Obama’s Greed and Environmentally Unsound Sea Wall – IOTW Report

Obama’s Greed and Environmentally Unsound Sea Wall

20 Comments on Obama’s Greed and Environmentally Unsound Sea Wall

  1. ….you coming here to accuse us of being Karens……makes you the ultimate Karen.

    Now, I have a special goin’ on this week. 6 lemon bars for your soul.

  2. I hope obola gets stung by a giant jellyfish every time he even dips a toe in the water. And I hope he and Mr Robinson get incurable food poisoning next lobster roll they eat back east.

    Like he pontificated at us, there comes a point where you’ve gotten too much. Especially when you never honestly earned anything, am I right, Barki??

  3. Standing there like the plantation master ruling the guys who do actual work on his 3rd mansion. (2nd waterfront mansion) Making them wear masks while he doesn’t.
    Walking around a construction site in gay sneaks.
    What a douche nozzle.

  4. Barky is a big fan of barriers and walls…for himself:

    “The Daily Caller traveled to Obama’s D.C. neighborhood to find out if the “10-foot wall” existed. What did we find? Obama does not have one wall. He has many. He has barricades. He has armed guards entirely blocking the suburban road where he lives. Multiple cement and iron barricades block the road leading up to the Obama mansion. A Secret Service car and agent keep people from entering the stretch of road on both ends approximately 1,000 feet in both directions.”


  5. A man who builds his home or wall on sand will not stand but a man who builds on a strong foundation will prevail.

    Bathhouse Barry is not known for manliness but he is known as a pansy wipe.😂

    How much of the taxpayers dime did he steal? 🤔 We’ll never know 🥺

  6. Who thumbs up faggot anonymous faggot posts? I understand why he’s a faggot. There must be some other faggots simpering around in here as well.

  7. “Sea wall to keep out rising sea levels due to global warming”

    This fag is referring to the 100 year old sea wall on Jug Ears estate. That Jug Ears want’s to EXPAND.

    “because right-wingers don’t give a fuck about the environment”
    Which is why Nixon created the EPA.

    ” they love polluting the earth?”

    We’re not as messy as left wing rape tents, CHAZ terrorists or occupy people crapping on the street…but we are willing to learn from the masters.

  8. It does make one think of how much the liberal’s worship at the altar of this grifting clown. He owns 3, that we know of, multi-million dollar homes. Yet, he is always bitching about the rich. He & his shrew wife are the epitome of hypocrites. But, you know because they are so oppressed that they are entitled to everything without ever having to do an honest day’s work in their entire miserable lives.


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