Obama’s Lasting Legacy: Utter Corruption – IOTW Report

Obama’s Lasting Legacy: Utter Corruption

Obama, who was brought in almost eight years ago on a promise of “Hope & Change,” has only succeeded in driving the trust of the people in government to all time lows. The hatred of the federal government spreads far and wide. One would be hard pressed to name an agency that hasn’t been loaded with incompetents, destructive activists and outright crooks.

The costly consequences to society is incalculable.



9 Comments on Obama’s Lasting Legacy: Utter Corruption

  1. > succeeded in driving the trust of the people in government to all time lows. The hatred of the federal government spreads far and wide

    Now, I have to take back every hateful, snarky thing I’ve said about him – over the past decade.

    Thanks, Dr. Tar!

  2. Death.
    Invading Rat-People.
    Rise of the Caliphate.
    Nuclearization of Iran.
    Isolation of Israel.
    Plunder of the Treasury.
    Limitless Debt.
    Destruction of Business through Regulation.
    Destruction of the Constitution through Executive Orders.
    Rabidly Politicized IRS.
    Voter Fraud.
    Rise of Socialism through the Destruction of the Economy.
    Entrenched Corrupt Bureaucrats.
    Widespread “Green” Fraud.
    Widespread Expansion of Crony “Capitalism.”
    Extortion of the SCROTUS.
    Repeal of the “Rule of Law.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The brazen behavior of the clintons was bad enough. But GW Bush not investigating and prosecuting those involved while he was president emboldened all the treasonous bastards to take it to the next level….probably damaging the country to the point of no return.
    It makes me think W was in on it.

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