Obamas Leaving White House Dead Broke… Compared To What Awaits Them – IOTW Report

Obamas Leaving White House Dead Broke… Compared To What Awaits Them

Barack and Michelle Obama set to land lucrative book deals after leaving the White House which could earn them as much as $45 MILLION

Book deals???  Can their constituents read???


  • President Obama could earn millions writing books after he leaves office
  • Literary agents estimate a book deal would earn him about $30 million
  • Michelle Obama could also earn upwards of $10 million for her memoirs 
  • Obama has already written three books that were commercial successes 
  • Some publishers estimate Obama’s memoirs will be most valuable ever

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15 Comments on Obamas Leaving White House Dead Broke… Compared To What Awaits Them

  1. The founders of this great country pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. Now the misleaders make their fortunes from their “service” and they have no honor, sacred or otherwise.

  2. It’ll be the easiest edit and print job for a president’s book ever.

    They’ll determine how many pages are in it first, solely about how impressive it will look on the shelf.

    Then the title: Everything I know about Presidentin’

    You know, keepin’ it real with a title like that.

    A dedication to his family on the first page: “A shout out to A.S.C. for casting such excellent daughters for me. With a special thanks to me, me, me I, I, I and ME again for even being born. Everyone reading this is so lucky!”

    Then 500 pages of no prose, with pictures of him scattered throughout posing as a legit president and destroying the country. Final page showing America as a smoldering rubble with his final quote: “My work is done here, but only because they forced me out of the job”

  3. Bullshit set up to launder the funds he has skimmed off the taxpayers. Every one of his government departments has MISSING money, and that doesn’t even count the amounts of CASH ‘payments’ that we don’t know about. I wonder how much we paid for Bergdahl. Remember AF one made a none scheduled flight to Afghanistan just before the release.

    Congress, hello, anyone there? Crickets chirping. No one is in congress, because they are out counting and stashing their share.

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