Obama’s Leftist Lens – IOTW Report

Obama’s Leftist Lens


9 Comments on Obama’s Leftist Lens

  1. He’s not the only one.
    Ever since the Democrats got away with practically no blame for the economic collapse in 2007-08, simply by saying they had no blame, they have learned to just point fingers at the innocents whenever there is a catastrophe of their doing.
    And CNN/NYT/WaPo/CBS/ABC/NBC join in and the truth is squashed.

  2. 0bama is playing a key role in laying out the groundwork for the antichrist to appear. I have mistakenly called him “useless” in the past, but he is very useful to the devil. He will have a place of honor in hell.

  3. The fact is: Propaganda WORKS!
    If it didn’t, totalitarian gov’ts wouldn’t use it! DUH!
    Socialists are particular masters of Propaganda, and when coupled with Terror (as applied by National Socialists (Germany) and Inter-National Socialists (USSR & China, e.g.)) it becomes insurmountable by the inside. However, totalitarianism requires a disarmed populace, and we should NEVER underestimate either their power or their tenacity.

    Obola’s “Leftist Lens” is America’s media.

    izlamo delenda est …

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