Obama’s Narcissistic Quote Goes Unchallenged By Leftwing Media – IOTW Report

Obama’s Narcissistic Quote Goes Unchallenged By Leftwing Media

“…I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas… or, the next group of people who could take that baton in that relay race that is human progress.”

What a horse’s a$$. Who says something like that and then characterizes themselves as an agent of “human progress”?

Prove it, Jug Ears.

American Thinker doesn’t think there was much progress during the Obama era. In fact, they believe human progress was reversed.

Let’s examine.


What did Obama do to make schools and communities safer during his eight years? The Promise program did make it more dangerous by not reporting troubled youth to police. Pretending does not make things safer. Pretty soon you may have a troubled kid getting guns and killing seventeen in Florida.

The opioid epidemic and overdose crisis has expanded exponentially for years. I do not remember any major focus on it during Obama but he did allow Hezbollah to continue a drug-running operation to appease Iran.

Russia has tried to influence our elections for years, so why wasn’t there an investigation of collusion with Obama after the 2012 election, since Obama, in a hot-mic moment, said he would be flexible with Russia after the eletion, and then made fun of his 2012 political challenger, Mitt Romney, who said Russia was dangerous?

Obama used the Justice Department as his personal fiefdom while he was president, ignoring laws he didn’t like, spying on people he didn’t like, and protecting the woman he wanted to continue his policies from prosecution, and all of a sudden the media cares about the Justice Department being independent?

On trade, we have treated China with kid gloves for decades and Obama said manufacturing jobs would be gone forever. Thank goodness Trump is finally addressing the problem.


When the journalists who have Obama fecal matter on their tongues die off, and objective people examine the Obama era, critically, they will be hard pressed to put a favorable spin on his administration and list any solid examples of meaningful progress.

ht/ ted

25 Comments on Obama’s Narcissistic Quote Goes Unchallenged By Leftwing Media

  1. PHenry I agree 💯 with you because he was taking us to a dark side with is socialist shit. And if Hillary was the president know she will be finished that job that Hussein started out.

  2. “What a horse’s a$$. Who says something like that …. ?”

    …. a horse’s a$$ … of course

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
    And no one can talk to the ass of a horse of course
    That is, of course, unless the horse is really an ass
    An ass named Baracky O.

    Go right to the ass & smell the source
    He’ll give you the answer that smells the worse.
    He’s always the ass of a jackass of course.
    Talk to Barack O.

    … apologies to Mr. Ed

  3. Actually, if you look closely, neither Oblowme nor Hoggs have asses that would fill a snug pair of jeans. Not that I’m a man’s ass man. Just sayin’. Just an observation guys. Don’t get carried away.

  4. Racial division and animus to a whole new level.
    Open hatred of police.
    Stagnant economy with Americans assured that jobs were not coming back.
    Unemployment and “food stamps” reaching new levels.
    Government agencies weaponized against citizens.
    Health insurance disrupted for millions after promising this would not happen.
    Weakened relations with America’s allies which emboldened our enemies.
    The Arab Spring which empowered Jihadists.
    Weak posture on the world stage which empowered Jihadists.
    Unchecked immigration which empowered Jihadists.

    His presidency did not take us into a post-racial era as promised.
    The 0bama presidency was all about bringing past grievances to the forefront and making them the basis for his agenda. This infected everything he did. This is the progress of the “Progressive.” That 0bama took the United States to new levels of success and achievement is pure fantasy. It’s literally make-believe.

  5. Meerkat. I agree, Oblome has his shirts tailor made, but that poor little shrimp Hoggs can’t even find a shirt that fits. LMAO just thinking about it. Reminds me of Chuck Schumer, Senator from New York. Years ago when he was a Councilman or something, back in the 70’s he used to have worn heels, frayed trousers, ring around the collar,
    dandruff,bad hair. Now he’s a Senator. Look at him. The cock o’ the walk, nice tie, nice suit, new shoes, nice hair. Hogg can do the same thing in this world of phucking assholes. Believe me, I am not lying. I remember Schumer following Senator Javits around like a little lap dog, and
    Geraldo Rivera hanging around also. I’ll let it go at that.
    How these scumbags are still in power baffles me.

  6. I have a little bit of knowledge about US presidents and I always thought he and James Buchanan were neck and neck when it came to who’s the worst… maybe with Harding in the mix too. Then I realized that, along with his dismal record, there’s one factor that makes him the worst of all. He was the first US president who hated the country he led.

  7. One Barrack was one too many. But the truth is there are already millions of Barracks & Micheles, they put Barry in office twice, with the assistance of poor choice opponents put forth by the GOPe.

  8. There should be a law that states any one using the word “progress” has to also demonstrate said ‘progress’…a far more appropriate word for lib/prog/tard/cong would be REgressives!


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