Obama’s Plan To Kill 1A in America – IOTW Report

Obama’s Plan To Kill 1A in America

We reported on this last month. Here’s a follow up.

What we are communicating on right now, the internet, is the predominant way information is exchanged in the United States.

Obama is set to hand the internet over to a new controlling body — the UN.

He is doing this voluntarily, with no input from U.S. citizens.

The UN is comprised of over 50 Muslim nations that abhor our ability to denigrate Islam and Muhammad. They would like it to stop. So would Obama.

I’m not overstating this when I say that this blog, as well as all the others you enjoy, might cease to exist in the near future.

Wild Bill explains-

ht/ tsunami

19 Comments on Obama’s Plan To Kill 1A in America

  1. Wild Bill. The guy I’d like to spend a week at hunt camp with. Wouldn’t he be a trip over the camp fire light. A true patriot. And a state of Jefferson flag in the back ground. The second protects the first. Don’t let president JIHAD take your weapons. Great post Tsunami.

  2. Here’s the thing, Mr. Obama…..we didn’t NEED the internet to disparage Islam in the past, and we still DON’T need the internet to disparage Islam in the future.

    We’ll do it in secret, just like in the good old days.

    And when American patriots begin to whack you rag-headed motherfuckers by the bushel, well, you’ll never know where it came from because we won’t be using the internet to leave traces of our plans.

  3. “Cruz is leading the fight”. Don’t mean to stir this shit up again but I took a peak at the Scoop and they got me all fired up. Fucking Cruz, the opportunist has ZERO legislation pasted. The cock sucker jumps on this shit at the eleventh hour. Now The Scoops got the gump ass with the cool virtual sun glasses on for something else he spoke out against. Didn’t accomplish shit mind you but damn is he suddenly vocal, That’s what the Scoop likes. Long on jaw short on results. I ask the Scoop to point out Yrd Cruzes monumental legislation he has gotten passed. Nada.

  4. “Cruz is leading the fight to retain control and is threatening government shutdown by tieing it to the pending Continuing Resolution grandstand for his own political benefit by ensuring each cause he “fights for” has no chance of succeeding, but makes him “look principled”.”

  5. WRONG, a year ago we all like levin and cruz and now im the outsider. Im fine with it im a millennial in maryland those 2 made me the conservative i am. I just cannot believe one candidate comes around and if i even dont like his liberal ideas im a nevertrump i dont get it

  6. Matty, bringing your “NeverTrump” insanity back to the topic of this thread, just what sort of 1A Rights do oyu think you’ll be able to exercise after 4-8 years of a Hillary Administration?

    Your thinking is fatally messed up.

  7. you don’t have to be a nevertrump to admit ted cruz is still an exceptional man, and might even be a great leader, if people would quit dumping on him every times he moves or speaks……

    trump won…..i’m voting for him…..that does NOT mean i have to hate cruz forever and ever amen….

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