Obama’s “Refugee Express” – IOTW Report

Obama’s “Refugee Express”


Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Across the country, from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon, from Boston to San Diego, from Seattle to Miami — and dozens of points in between — cities and towns are targeted to receive a flood of Muslim “refugees” from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, and other parts of Africa and the Middle East. It’s not only our major coastal cities that are scheduled to be hit with an enormous influx of unfortunates from foreign lands; smaller heartland cities and towns, such as Sheboygan (Wis.), Twin Falls (Idaho), Grand Forks (N.D.), Lexington (Ky.), Turlock (Calif.), Spartanburg (S.C.), Abilene (Texas), Cedar Rapids (Iowa), and many more, have also been targeted for their “share” of UN-assigned “refugees.”  more


22 Comments on Obama’s “Refugee Express”

  1. So I’m willing to bet money, based on where the gun is aimed and where he has his finger on the trigger, that I can clear Kydex and shoot him in the face before he can correct for his second shot. The first one was way wide right. I’ll take that shot every time.

  2. Wow, Barry should have visited Turlock California before he sent them there. I know Turlock. There’s muzzies up and down hiway 99 but not in Turlock. For a reason. Jump in Tsunami.

  3. If you carry, please get into a good training program. I sat through a ccw renewal class on Saturday with 5 other guys. The instructor who I know well asked the question ” What’s you round count per month?” Average answer, excluding mine, 50. He knows me well. Mine is a min of 1000. It does no good getting a ccw and not trying to be the best pistolaro you can be.

  4. So does this mean a halal carniceria in every town?

    But seriously, commenter Zhytamyr said it best:

    “Respectfully, we aren’t voting our way out of this. Anything that’s short of decorating lamp posts with bureaucrats, politicians, and media types on a super massive scale is treating a fatal cancer with Jello and bed rest.”

    The people that are coming were told that they could and given the means. The fault lies with those who made it not only possible but also mandatory.

  5. Strange thing about towns up and down 99. First thing you need to know is that it’s all Ag. One town is dirt floor poor, the next has money. Except Turlock. All Catholic from the Mex to the Farm or Ranch owners. They all join hands every Sunday. And I don’t see them taking kindly to goat humpers.

  6. Yep. Feel the trigger reset without throwing the trigger away and having to re-take the excess travel, up to a 1/45″ in some pistols. A definitive, “click,” in almost all pistols is not only felt, but heard.

    Pick out a safe point of direction and dry fire (please make sure your weapon is unloaded otherwise your T.V., wall, or other special person isn’t going to appreciate it), keep the trigger maintained to the rear of the trigger guard after the firing pin or hammer is released, cycle the slide/action of the pistol to simulate a round having been fired, S.L.O.W.L.Y. release the trigger until you feel the trigger reset (usually a definitively felt/heard, “click”), repeat for muscle memory hundreds of times as you sight picture/sight alignment in a safe direction/point of aim.

    This helps to prevent ‘slapping’ the trigger, which takes accuracy away, especially when under stress.

  7. Sharyl Attkison (sp?) debut of Full Measure was all about the Syrian “refugee” activities and obama’s regime. She focused on a small town (36,000), Lewiston, ME. They are one of but a few towns that give welfare to refugees and they have been inundated. She also interviewed The Donald. I won’t give away his answer to how many Syrians he would allow into the country.

    You can watch the debut show at her website — http://www.fullmeasure.com

  8. Just what the valley i.e. TurlockTurlock, needs. More unemployed people. Progressives have turned to the valley into a waterless dustbowl creating massive unemployment. Yeah, good thinking. Bring in some more/

  9. Yes it is. That little exercise Big Gun is describing can mean the difference between being victorious or losing. Losing a gun fight is not good. Good night, I need to do my 30 minute dry fire practice, then hit the sheets.

  10. I say send the lot of them to S.C.
    They could really use the sandbags!
    Once the water finally recedes, they can use all the politicians, beauroweenies, and their propaganda disseminators as fill-dirt to replace what has washed out! Should make for some fertile ground since they’re all piles of shit to begin with!

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