Obama’s Request $1.153 Million In “Additional Expense” For Next Year – IOTW Report

Obama’s Request $1.153 Million In “Additional Expense” For Next Year

On track to become the most expensive ex-president ever, Barack Obama has requested a reported $1.153 million next year to cover “additional expenses” as part of the Former President’s Act of 1958.

Almost half of Obama’s request goes towards paying $536,000 to rent “8,198 square foot office space” in Washington, D.C. next year. He’s not the only former president renting expensive office space. Bill Clinton get $518,000 and “W” is getting $497,000 for office rental while is dad receives a more modest $286,000.


There’s a bill in the Senate to put some limits on how much taxpayers will endure for our former president’s lavish lifestyles Here




30 Comments on Obama’s Request $1.153 Million In “Additional Expense” For Next Year

  1. He should actually be provided for his lifetime for the crimes he committed against the American people.
    At some nice Federal Prison in New England, everything he needs is provided.

  2. I know of several government “office” buildings with 24/7 armed security that will cost taxpayers much less and that will be much better suited to someone of Obama’s “stature”. Fort Leavenworth and San Quentin come to mind right off the top of my head.

  3. Ofucknuts will funnel that money to the Muzzies….. do not believe for a minute that it is for his personal expenses.
    Ofucknuts is the real embarrassment to this country, and everything that he touched. From his election on fraudulent background, to Obamacare, to Benghazi, the Iran deal, etc.
    Even out of office, the big Zero should be totally shunned and his name should be obliterated.

  4. $1.153 million. Wasn’t his salary $400k? Obama enjoyed destroying America so much he decided to wait another 4 years to make triple. Prick.

    Anyone who drops half their cash on rent can’t do basic economics. Someone explain why the government doesn’t pay a mortgage on the house and flip it when jug ears moves … ahh, shit, it’ll be worth less when he moves out, nevermind.

  5. I’m sure speaker Ryan will give this request wings to fly through the house appropriations…. more so than what he did with Repeal Obamacare, Immigration laws, the Wall, emptying the swamp, Corruption, Benghazi, Iran Nuclear deal, Fast and Furious and everything else Trump has promised to get done for the American people who voted for him.

    Remember? Ryan gave in to everything Obama wanted and nothing for Trump and America. Ryan will take care of Obama, watch.

  6. “Objections? You cracka-ass crackas didn’t have no problems coughing up the money when it was all WHITE pres-dents!”

    Expect to here variations on this throughout the appropriations process.

  7. “There’s a bill in the Senate to put some limits on how much taxpayers will endure..”

    How about this, Get a FUCKIN JOB and pay your own damn bills like everyone else has to, you fuckin bunch of ticks!

  8. he will get the money……no one will complain, officially….each and every member of congress make loud noises AT HOME against this, while not bothering to vote against it…..

    yeah, he will get this money, and any other money he wants…..because….HUSSEIN!!!!!

    vote against him, you’re an islamophobic racist piece of shit, SO THERE…….

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