Obama’s Scrawny Hands All Over Biden’s Reelection Effort – IOTW Report

Obama’s Scrawny Hands All Over Biden’s Reelection Effort


I think deep down all intellectually honest political researchers knew The Lightbringer could not possibly permit: (a) Joe Biden to try winning an election on his own without fraud; and (b) the scale of risk that Donald Trump represents.  There is far too much personal risk to the Obama embeds who have weaponized the systems of government.

The media are now reporting that Chicago Jesus has stepped back into the arena. More


22 Comments on Obama’s Scrawny Hands All Over Biden’s Reelection Effort

  1. It’s written all over his administration. This really is Obama’s third term. It really, reallt is. And his puppet Biden is committing all the horrors Obama wouldn’t dare to himself. Secession is really the only way out of this. We need to accept that.

  2. ^^^^^
    I think she just signaled that tonight. Is that going to be a problem for DJT. Personally I think so. If he goes after her, gives her a nickname, the press will paint him as the big bad bully picking on Aunt Jemima’s great grand daughter. The debates wont be good either. She’s dumber than a box of rocks and again he’ll look like a bully. His only chance is to pants her in front of the camera and expose that 12 inch cock.

  3. His TREASONOUS fingerprints are all over the lies about Trump, the rigged/stolen election, and his entire term in office. Likely he was behind the entire plannedemic too.

  4. Obama’s Scrawny Hands

    I think you meant Scrawny Ass. This guy is our first illegitimate president. And Mike was never Pregnant. BoRock has been after the destruction of our country from day one. And he’s still in control. Just wait until they start passing out those weapons BoRock funneled to benign institutions to the replacement population. You were warned. And no, nobodies coming to save you.

  5. But butt Hillary, but butt Omama, but butt da Bushes, da Rump butt fucked himself, #1 con-man is go’in down. No immunity, no moe continuous of prison time. We are so fucked & so is the Rump.

  6. “Brad you knew it’s over, the con man’s daze are numbered.”

    Wow dude I was just thinking about you. How was your day. Did you wear that cute little dress again today? Don’t tell me the asshole at the gas station misgendered you AGAIN. That’s not right. I bet you came home early and tried to rub one out. Except that damn miniature penis keeps getting in the way. Gotta a chainsaw. You can fix this shit quickly. And this way they’ll have to par for it. What a fucking loser. Go kill yourself femboy.

  7. The oppressed multi millionaires complaining about the country and accusing Trump and conservatives of Nazism?
    That would just tick people off.
    I don’t think Barry wants his record on economy and foreign mess ups and constant bowing to mideast leaders talked about again.
    He probably has another meat puppet lined up already.
    Maybe Gruesome Newsom, maybe someone like Hakeem Jeffries.


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