Obama’s Statement on the Baton Rouge Shootings – IOTW Report

Obama’s Statement on the Baton Rouge Shootings

“…the work of cowards who speak for no one.”

It’s like his fingers are in his ears and he’s shouting through a snotsicle and some tears, “shootings don’t speak for anyone!!!! Shooting don’t speak for anyone!!!!”

The Dallas shooter spoke for LOTS of people. That is the problem.

The Nice trucker spoke for LOTS of people. That is the problem.

The Paris Shooters spoke for LOTS of people. That is the problem.

The Baton Rouge shootings speak for LOTS of people, because whatever these shooter’s motives are, there are people fist-pumping because cops are dead. That is the problem.

Obama’s legacy is clear.

He has administered over the most divisive, angry and violent period in my lifetime and the putz thinks it’s because guns exist.

Keep the guns. Let’s get rid of certain people.


15 Comments on Obama’s Statement on the Baton Rouge Shootings

  1. For you banjo pickin’ inbreds, allow me to translate:
    “[C]owards who speak for no one.”

    is not barefoot hillbilly speak for:
    The brave do not do, for themselves. Heroes command others.

  2. @tenten. With what army or law enforcement?
    It has become painfully obvious that there is a defect in our system of government.

    The presidency requires a moral person as he/she commands mil and fed law enforcement. This prez looks at these as useful assets to in force his will on congress, Supreme Court and the people.

  3. @tenten
    Barack erdogan would love nothing more than an unorganized attempt at his admin. In fact, I think he’s counting on it. He doesn’t really want to leave behind all the good stuff. Power. Luxury. Pampering.

  4. The left says I don’t recognize Barry’s accomplishment.
    Oh yes I do!
    He only has two, and he’s been working on them for 8years.
    1. Destroy race relations between blacks and whites.
    2. Advance the Moslem agenda.
    “Mission Accomplished” Jerk.

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