OBAMA’S WAR ON CHEAP ENERGY: Media Silent as America’s Largest Coal Mines Begin Mass Layoffs – IOTW Report

OBAMA’S WAR ON CHEAP ENERGY: Media Silent as America’s Largest Coal Mines Begin Mass Layoffs

coal mine

DougRoss: America’s two largest coal mines each laid off 15 percent of their workforce — 465 employees — in one day.

Not one national news outlet ran the story. This travesty deserves national attention.

Barack Obama and his EPA are continuing their War on Coal and War on Jobs… and no one in America — except the miners, their families, and their communities — seems to care.  more

14 Comments on OBAMA’S WAR ON CHEAP ENERGY: Media Silent as America’s Largest Coal Mines Begin Mass Layoffs

  1. This strange, impenetratable bubble of insulation from criticism in the media is only explainable if you look at it as America’s New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, autocratic “regulation” where enemies of the State can always be found guilty if they “see something and say something”, particularly if they have a job that depends on writing and reporting something!
    Pass the Vodka Komrades! Musn’t dissappoint the State!

  2. Once they have driven the mining companies into bankruptcy, some foreign entity – probably a State-owned Chinese mining firm – will buy all these closed mines.

    Then, I’ll bet they try to bring in Chinese de facto slave miners. And they’ll export our coal. To China. Where they still use coal. Lots of it.





  3. First they came for the loggers, but I said nothing, because I was not a logger. Then they came for the fishermen, but I said nothing because I wasn’t a fisherman. Then they came for the miners…

    More of the progressives war on the middle class.

  4. It isn’t just the mines. Thousands of locomotives are parked around the country due to reduced loadings of coal and oil. Thousands of other jobs are gone…..and the union leadership will continue to support the (D) nominee.

  5. Somewhere back in Gov. Scott Walker’s past, he entertained a group from China. They wished to buy much more than the currently acceptable 640 contiguous acres. (MY guess? any type of mining activity, army training, or massive factories for easier distribution of their shitty products)

    I believe he tried to get his legislators to help them out. Possibly why he quit early.

  6. If Clinton gets elected, there will come a time in the not too distant future when coal will once again be King. The heavily subsidized “alternatives” will collapse under their own weight and Americans will either swelter or freeze unless it does.

  7. If the heads of the energy sector were smart, they’d coalesce their owners into one big meeting and all agree to go totally offline all at once.

    No fuel,
    no electricity,
    no energy to run iPhones with,

    Not a G’damn thing.

    Then, maintain the shutdown for a year at minimum. At the end of that year, people will have eradicated the EPA, the IRS, and the fascist douchenozzles in congress & senate, and will efective;y ban forever the lie that is socialism and / or climate change.

    Total strike of the energy sector.

  8. Tsumani – Total strike of the energy sector.

    I like that idea but many need to be prepared if this should happen. Old schoolers who knew how to do things before PC’s and Internet will be in great demand.

    Learn from the old order Amish how to live without being on the grid.

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