Oberlin’s Insurance Company Won’t Cover Their Payout – IOTW Report

Oberlin’s Insurance Company Won’t Cover Their Payout

Oh-oh! Oberlin College’s insurance company says their policy doesn’t cover the huge verdict against it

Oberlin has a mess on its hands and its trustees must begin planning for possible need to cough up many millions of dollars More

22 Comments on Oberlin’s Insurance Company Won’t Cover Their Payout

  1. …why do I have a feeling that the “plan” Oberlin comes up with will, somehow or another, end up involving getting money from taxpayers?

    …after all, they were serving the Dem cause, Dems control the purse strings regardless of any “laws”, and Satan takes care of his own as long as they are useful to him…

  2. Different Tim JUNE 9, 2019 AT 7:11 AM
    “Old Oberlin is going to have to have one helluva bake and rummage sale.😂”

    …but all they have to sell is bad ideas and worse professors, and even the junk man don’t want THOSE…

  3. How about the financial responsibility be shouldered by the little puke that stole the items in the first place. Those that defended him only rate second prize for stupidity.
    He’ll never pay it but it will burden his life when he goes to buy things later on like cars, homes etc.

  4. I was born and raised in the area and still read the local papers on line every day. Absolutely love the comments after the award articles. The students are complaining that THEY are the ones who are suffering because of this verdict, and the Gibsons claiming they themselves have suffered a hardship is just an act. The students are getting lambasted by readers.

  5. I thought we insured against ACCIDENTS, not BAD BEHAVIOR.

    Can a guy who jacks up 7-11s for a living get unemployment insurance?
    Can that same guy get casualty insurance? Like getting shot during the performance of his “job?” Or, say, getting beat with a Louisville Slugger while demanding cash?

    Why should Oberlin be any different?
    Some legal weasel should explain it more better.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. One of the big problem with colleges is that they end up with the black chicks who get in on affirmative action, take out student loans that they will never pay back, cannot be “failed” in any class, and enter the public life with little skills or as an activist government lawyer. This is not all……….but many!!

  7. Maybe some of the other liberal bastions of learning could chip in a few bucks to cover it..

    Looking at the previous “Univ. Of Alabama Returns $21.5 Million Gift; Donor Urged Boycott Over Abortion Law” thread and “judgeroybean’s” comment I’d say they could cover it if they wish.

    Again, is the worm beginning to turn and will this one hasten it?

  8. They could cash in their Obie bucks. Those from this area will know what i mean.
    I will go to Gibson’s tomorrow. I will buy some stuff and congratulate them. I will also take a picture or two and send them to Fur. They are good people folks, i could not be happier for them.


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