Obese Jerry Nadler Needs Medical Attention at de Blasio Presser – IOTW Report

Obese Jerry Nadler Needs Medical Attention at de Blasio Presser

Release your medical records, Jerry.

64 Comments on Obese Jerry Nadler Needs Medical Attention at de Blasio Presser

  1. “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”
    (variations attributed to Mark Twain/Clarence Darrow/Dorothy Parker/etc)

    What? Too soon?

  2. How much do they pay those dorks to stand in the way of the camera’s view?

    (My sense of courtesy and decency disappeared when they weaponized my government against me. I want them all, bureaucrats and ‘journalists’, to die a painful death. They cannot give us back what they took from us all.)

  3. Send a large pizza to his hospital room.

    He would significantly harder to toss in a van. Unlike Hillary.

    He’s more like one of those Chevy commercials where they drop a half ton of bricks into the bed.

  4. Rush played a clip of him last week in an interview where he was eating and smacking his lips and talking while jamming his fat face with food. Who does that.

  5. I see things like this, and i see the hand of God at work. Let’s keep praying, and someday soon we may see the same thing happen on camera with Ruth Bader Ginsberg!

  6. I’ve been challenging the Almighty by praying for Nadler to gain wisdom, alone a very difficult and tall order. Now that I have include his health and comfort in my prayers, methinks my ask maybe a bit too much for even the Big Guy upstairs.

  7. He thinks he is covering his obesity, by wearing his trouser’s around his armpits. His heart has to work hard to lug all that junk around from place to place.

  8. Please give generously to the cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome before it’s too late.
    Jerry Nadler and Adam Shiff are standing by to take your calls. Oh, wait! I hope it’s not too late. Looks like Nadler isn’t standing and has already nearly succumbed.
    The F’n puss face.

  9. The man had surgery to help him lose 100 pounds years ago. After all that he can’t take care of himself?
    “You can’t even run your own life , I’ll be damned if you’ll run mine..”

  10. When I heard ‘fainted’ when Anon scooped it on another thread, I thought of THREE things:

    Face plant maybe?
    Karma on display.
    And, did IT leave an impresssion on the carpet or the slab?

    What a way to start off a Memorial Day Weekend…
    Have a hot dog Jer.

    Winning MACHINE.


  11. “Release your medical records, Jerry.”

    ask feinstein- her husband’s business partner’s (cosko) son has the medical records of house and senate members. He hacked them during the Kavanaugh hearings, and was going to use them for blackmail. When you’re looking for shit, she’s the goto girl.

  12. Rush Limbaugh mentioned on his show the other day how healthy and young Mr. Trump is looking as President.
    Most presidents by now show signs of wear and tear brought on by the stress of the office. Not President Trump, he will be thriving and happy while his nemeses like Nadler self destruct and fall on the Deep State petard.
    It’s great that these Trump hating fools don’t make the connection. LOLOLOL!
    BTW, de Blasio was probably making matters worst, making Nadler drink whatever was in that can. Democrat tools are entertaining. Especially when they’re sabotaging each other.

  13. White as a sheet and pale as a ghost. No amount of water is going to help this piece of shit. It must of just dawned on him what he and his coven of communist sympathyser assholes are in for.


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