Obesity and Fatigue Are Rampant In The Military – IOTW Report

Obesity and Fatigue Are Rampant In The Military

A Rand study has found that 66 percent of our fighting men and women are overweight or obese. Nearly 10 percent report taking medication for sleep difficulties. More

17 Comments on Obesity and Fatigue Are Rampant In The Military

  1. A recent visit to Pearl Harbor, Peterson AFB, and Schofield Barracks proved the truth of this study. Unfortunately, the military has different weight standards based on race. Some get a “pass” while others are held strictly to the standard.

  2. My sons two cents from about a year and a half ago.
    My son is a Marine. He had to go for some specialized training in Georgia at a large base that housed multiple branched of the armed forces. He could not believe how out of shape all these guys in the army were. He was absolutely amazed.
    He stated that you can pick 100 of them at random and he bet maybe 1 could make it through what he had been through. I will not go into details of what he refereed to them as (right to their face on video chat with me) but be assured it was not pleasant.

  3. Obama’s impact.
    He totally slackened standards and ways of thinking.
    C’mon – Men can dress as women and suffer sexual dysphoria, a mental disorder requiring medication, and serve in the military???

  4. The brightest and the bestest not competing — with one another, never mind the proles – for gimme dats gubba mint jobs? With guaranteed, lifetime retirement bennies? That the gimme dats gubba mint pays you, while you git a second – and third – gimme dats gubba mint job? That you’re especially en-titled to, because of your gimme dats gubba mint pension? With more guaranteed, lifetime retirement bennies? Why! Why, that’s madness! Some gimme dats gubba mint jobs are magic. Santa Bunny told me so!

  5. “The low-fat–high-carbohydrate diet, promulgated vigorously by…National Institutes of Health, and American Heart Association…and by the U.S. Department of Agriculture food pyramid (and My Plate), may well have played an unintended role in the current epidemics of obesity, lipid abnormalities, type II diabetes, and metabolic syndromes. This diet can no longer be defended by appeal to the authority of prestigious medical organizations or by rejecting clinical experience and a growing medical literature suggesting that the much-maligned low-carbohydrate–high-protein diet may have a salutary effect on the epidemics in question.”

    https://ninateicholz.com/concern-about-the-science-of-the-dgas/ .

    Even worse – I recently read a report stating military recruiters were having difficulty meeting recruitment goals. First to many are rejected for being out of shape and overweight. Once the fatties are rejected a lot of the ones left are rejected over drug abuse. What’s left after rejecting the ones that are to stupid (or maybe even leftist indoctrinated to hate their own country) leads to failure to reach recruitment goals.

  6. As a part time VA physician I can tell you that you are now stuck with these guys forever! You see if they are fat out and of shape and get diabetes &/or sleep apnea &/or hypertension & etc. while in the military once they are out they are service connected for these conditions for life and you get to pay for it. Another fun fact is that if they have (for example) diabetes and claim they got it in the military you also get to pay for any of the complications from the diabetes i.e. coronary artery disease, kidney problems, peripheral neuropathies and on and on…. It’s a never ending string of service connected problems that leads to 100% disability that we all pay for. I am prior military and was enlisted, I went to school after severing for several years. I saw very few heavy people when I was in. That is because the command would send people what we use to call “fat boy” letters and if you didn’t lose weight in the prescribed time you were out.

  7. Not expressing an opinion on this either way for once but how much of this could be attributable to high fructose corn syrup and growth hormones in our food supply?

  8. Skeptical. Military uses (or used to use) the tape measure to determine BMI. It measures fat and muscle equally. So a body builder type would be lumped in with the heavy drops.

    I mention that because there’s a lot more guys seriously lifting than 30 years ago. Fit used to mean skinny. Now it means buff.

  9. Burr reminds me. I saw the tallest, buffest man I had ever seen in uniform when I was around 14 or 15.
    He was sitting in a cafeteria and he must have been 4 feet wide from shoulder to shoulder! I think he was a Marine. Shit, he could have been the ENTIRE Marines. LoL!

  10. Do not mean to be too critical however I am always amazed seeing how many ‘first responders’ that should be on a gurney transport first. Been through a few of ‘Thank God for them’ times, yet the absolute self delusion of the majority of them reeks of the immature democratic ‘representatives’ elected. Local true ‘news’ (which is hard to come by) depicts the most out of shape figures. I not just talking “Doughnut” Cops, Christ, but seeing ‘real news’ after a crisis is kinda gotten, ‘What did you expect’?

  11. Aaron, it was even more ridiculous during my Navy days. Not only were the standards for BFI not adjusted for age, but the ability to sit with the legs flat on the floor and touch the toes rated equally with situps, pushups, and the 1.5 mile run.
    My 40 year old ass could smoke the situps, pushups and run, but had to have someone leaning on my back to complete the toe touch.

  12. I am old!
    In the “Old Corps (GWB that is said CORE not CORPSE! 3 Ivy League DEGREES! Horse sh-t!)
    there were no “overweight” men. I am 110 # heavier than when a Kalashnikover shot me May Day ’67. I was not heavy and no one in my company was heavy. We wished we could be overweight!~

    I admit to being overweight now; but I’ve been a civilian for 50 years!

    Who are the “overweight” folk?


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