Obesity Is the Real Killer in America – IOTW Report

Obesity Is the Real Killer in America

The Federalist

Why are there no daily warnings recounting the number of people who die each day from heart disease (almost 2,000 daily), diabetes (about 1,000 per day), stroke, and other issues directly caused by crappy metabolic health? Why isn’t the CDC trying to scare the sh-t out of us when it comes to the devastating effects of poor health decisions? Why is there no public shaming for elevated resting insulin levels, BMI (body mass index), blood pressure, and triglycerides? Some of these may be imperfect measurements, but they’re a good gauge to judge the health of the general population. More

14 Comments on Obesity Is the Real Killer in America

  1. Sumthin tells me that drpping Welfare, Wick and about 10 other programs would go a long way towards thinning the herd… of federal, tit-sucking parasites especially if you have to work to put food on the table!

  2. I saw a fat family pull into the checkout line with a heaping full shopping cart.
    All kinds of steaks, snacks, gallon jugs of fruit punch,……..
    The total was $489, then she whipped out her EBT/Snap card.

  3. It makes sense if viewed through the racial lens of equity.

    Obesity is ignored for the same reason that retail theft is ignored. There is a perception that both are a by-product of poverty and talking about it is racist because it predominantly effects the black community.

    Of course this is nonsense, white people steal and get fat, but body positivity is the path of least resistance.

  4. Nailed it Rich Taylor. Racism Racism Racism. Sick to death of everything being Racism. If your a fatso your a fatso! Period. It ain’t Racism to say this, it’s just rude.

  5. It takes more effort to be fat than thin. I am always amused by the peculiar paradox of that particular point. The person who becomes enormously obese often ceases most physical activity as too difficult or tiring, appearing to be lazy. Actually the work effort expended to eat enough to obtain such dimension was much larger all along the way than that required to maintain an approximately healthy weight. The person actually trades type of effort, rather than eliminating effort. Peculiar, and interesting.

    Re: the article. Lotta authoritarian impulse in that broad. She seem to be into compulsion pretty heavily. Ha ha! Get the pun? Ha ha!?

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