Obituary – IOTW Report


We were never what you’d call friends. More of a commercial relationship with a steady customer, really. Kind of a bother at times. Always putting his boat on our family dock so he could run a cord up to our house to recharge his trolling motor. Made mowing the lawn a pain. Always seemed to be breaking something in the cabin or getting calamine lotion or something like it on the sheets. Then there was the time he cleaned fish on our dock and tossed the heads in where I swim. I waited a few days until finally fishing those stinky things out and dispose of them. I had to open up his parking place and extra areas for him and his guest this last winter when the snowstorm hit just before the big race. Even the humus stuff he put in with the leftover groceries once broke me out in a rash.

I’m sure he never meant to be an inconvenience. Kind of lovable goofball in many ways. Loved it here in a way I’m not sure most people get.

Can’t explain why it’s hard focusing right now on writing this, things seem to be getting all fuzzy – must be raining again. Here

13 Comments on Obituary

  1. Thanks for the condolences on this post and the previous.

    Just because you know people are going to be leaving you doesn’t make it any easier to live with it turns out.

  2. What a wonderful tribute all sewed up in one of my favorite songs. Our lives are so enriched by our friends that we cannot help but grieve when they leave us.

  3. Condolences.

    I sense we are at the beginning of The Great Sadness when a lot of people will be leaving too soon, on too short notice, due to a lot of different (but probably interrelated) causes.

    I am mourning the ability to take anyone or anything for granted.

  4. RIP Richard Charles Ford; condolences Dr. Tar. Death by “unexpectedly’, which is related to “suddenly.”

    I don’t know, and it’s none of my business, if this man was ‘vaxd’; we should consider that status as “SADS” deaths are on the increase, and we face decisions regarding so-called vaccinations for “our-own-good ™” foisted on us by the medical-pharmacological-government-media complex (axis). Ike was right, he just had the wrong complex.

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