Obongo – The Creature Who Won’t Die – IOTW Report

Obongo – The Creature Who Won’t Die

Barack Obama is not going gently into that good night, no. He’s set up shop in the shadow of the white house and plans on running a shadow government intent on ratf*cking Trump so that Obama’s agenda can be preserved until another Marxist/socialist can take office.

Obama’s Organizing For America has grown in membership and he’s tweeting to them and giving their marching orders.

Nice sleight of hand, Obama. You can’t even see the knife in his back.

No other American president has ever done this, but, then again, Obama is not American.

I don’t care where this prick was born, he is anti-American and he’s acting like a goon from a Banana Republic.

HT/ Jerry Manderin


How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency



28 Comments on Obongo – The Creature Who Won’t Die

  1. Double-tap ValJar and he’ll shut the f-k right up. He’s just a dressed-up little monkey without his organ-grinder.

    But really, Trump just has to roast him publicly a couple of times, and Barky will be much less enthusiastic about shooting spitballs. I look forward to the Little Community Organizer That Couldn’t.

  2. Obama storm troopers were out in force west of Richmond today. 100 + strong. Focusing on congressman Dave Brat. They got their orders and dutifully appeared. I found out about it yesterday and cruised by to assess. Stupid little college girls and silver haired activists. Lying that Brat doesn’t hold town halls. Funny. I’ve attended several.

    Drove by them slowly with middle finger extended to which they howled like scalded cats.

  3. Trump has access to things Obama arrogantly thinks are hidden. The slightest twist of the Kenyan dull blade and Trump’ll expose his homo ass.

    Obama is fucked from the get-go with his mission. Retard can’t even throw a baseball like a real man. I truly hate this son of bitch and I hope he meets his Maker SOON. Ass cancer would be a justified way for him to go.

  4. “Registered as a 501(c)(4), it (the OFA) doesn’t have to disclose its donors, but they’ve been generous. OFA has raised more than $40 million in contributions and grants since evolving from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for America in 2013.”

    Great. That will cover about three of his six annual vacations…

  5. It’s time to go after him for treason and go after Hillary too.
    Put these communists in a deep dark hole.
    Don’t just sit there and do nothing bury Obama in paperwork. Do something.

  6. Obama, like Clinton, has placed progressive operatives in well placed positions of every agency, board, commission, judiciary and Federal IT positions.
    It is time to find the needles in the hay stack to stop the leaks detrimental to our Nation, our allies and our President.

  7. I agree, Brown Eyed Girl, each day, O’slacker will say, ” Let’s see, rabble rousing, or golfing…orrrrrr…the bong?”, why should he start applying himself now? He never has! Whatever he does, Trump is so many moves ahead of him, the slug will never catch up.

  8. This clown thinks he’s immune to arrest and prosecution but I assure his time’s coming. He’s going to commit treason and Sessions is going to throw him in prison where he belongs.

  9. Obama happened because jooos and southern Baptist would rather have a fake Christian than a Mormon, the second time.

    The first time, America didnt want petulant war hawk, and figured they were better with a closet muzloid homosexual.

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