Obvious – America’s 10 Most Segregated Cities Have All Been Run by Democrats for Generations – IOTW Report

Obvious – America’s 10 Most Segregated Cities Have All Been Run by Democrats for Generations

We knew this intuitively, now there’s a study with data that confirms it – democrats use minorities to gain power, but generally despise the poor and keep them away from their elite enclaves.


12 Comments on Obvious – America’s 10 Most Segregated Cities Have All Been Run by Democrats for Generations

  1. Aqaaaaaannnnnd half a century later Blacks are still living in run-down, shot-up, burned-out, crime-ridden, rat-infested, democRAT controlled plantations of dependency.

  2. ……and yet most blacks seem to shun conservatism and vote democrat predominantly, because conservatives tend to believe in family, personal responsibility, and God.

    Democrats only believe in big government, false promises, and voting for a living.

    -Conservatives believe in equal opportunity (to thrive or fail).
    -Democrats and liberals believe in equal outcome (forced fairness no matter the cost).

  3. Generational dependency is the foundation of the democrat party. They cultivate the poor and needy like a cash crop. The harvest is yet more and more on the dole. Very successful in an evil way.

  4. Political control is not the cause of the segregation, it is the effect. Which is why the political class always segregate people, rich\poor, black\white, gay\straight, liberal\conservative…whatever it takes. The only thing standing between them and wealth is a divided populace. They all do it, democrats are just more obvious about it.


    Ever play this game? Look at your city, and track down where the loud mouthed liberals live. Chances are, no where near a depressed minority community. Use your economic and political star power to help the very people you beg for votes? Nah….

  6. “Never give a sucker an even break.”

    I asked my Dad once: “Why the Jews?”
    He answered: “Cuz it works.”
    EVERY time.

    Same with the negroes. Promise whatever, give the “reverends” walkin-round money, show em which lever to push – and WALLAH!
    Same shit: Every time.
    It hearkens back to the “slave” mentality which seems to pervade a great portion of humanity (in fact, tyranny couldn’t work without it).

    Maybe some day they will have a renaissance.
    Maybe all of America will.

    Hahahahahaha!! Sorry … silly me …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It would appear that the Africans are quite happy with their lot in life and are content to be inmates of the Democrat 3rd world type plantations! Why are we trying so hard and spending so much time effort and resources on what we call improving their lot when they are satisfied with their lot?

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