“It’s unclear when the reservoir first went offline.”
I’ve been writing about the Palisades fire for years. Let me show you what I mean by that.
The Los Angeles Times reports this morning — confirming a conspiracy theory that people have been spreading online as social media disinformation, of course — that the major local reservoir at the heart of Pacific Palisades was dry when the fire started, due to a torn liner (floating cover). The newspaper quotes a city DWP official as saying that the reservoir has been out of service for repairs for “a while.” They’re not sure about an actual date. The story is illustrated with a photograph of the empty reservoir that was taken in 2022, so.
As the fire burned, the water supply in the Palisades came from three storage tanks that hold “1 million gallons each,” while the 117 million gallon reservoir was completely empty. You can read the whole story to dig into the several arguments that the reservoir wouldn’t have been entirely full even if it was working, and that the supply from the reservoir wouldn’t have been immediately and entirely available for firefighting, but nonetheless: the most important water storage facility in the heart of the burning neighborhood was empty because of maintenance problems, with city officials shrugging and mumbling about the details.
The Palisades had three million gallons of water in a local system that can hold up to 120 million gallons, if it’s maintained and operational. Everything else is just noise. more here
See also: California Bluefight, and Other Fire News.
I really don’t want to reflect ill upon the folks in need but you dumb fucks keep voting Demoncrat, what else would you expect.
I think Einstein had a word and definition that is apropos for the situation at hand in LA: “insanity”(as it applies to the electorate).
Newscum is beating his chest about how we have to get to the bottom of why this happened and keep it from ever happening again. Further more he’s complaining about not being able to get straight answers from anyone.
Hey Ass-wipe!! The people didn’t hire you to be Inspector Gadget or Detective Chimp. They hired you to maintain the infrastructure (and maybe even make better by implementing the people’s mandate that they paid for years ago) and codes and to hire responsible, experienced and capable people to do it!
So far as straight answers are concerned, do I really have to point out that they’re not going to come from diesel-fired dykes who’s priorities are rooted in turning the fire, police and government into a totally incompetent Social Media Freak Show??
I gave up on the LAFD when I read the story about how the bull dyke assistant chief doesnt feel obliged to rescue men she isnt physically capable of carrying because its their fault they need rescue. Having once had to help buck a 500 lb diabetic blind man out of a completely underground basement because he fell down a very narrow wooden staircase after getting roaring drunk, I beg to differ as to whether its OK to be derelict in your sworn duty just ’cause it be hard and shit, yo.
As long as that person is not fired for explicitly recording herself, in uniform, on the clock, using Department resources for a Department-utilized video where she testifies that she has no interest in or sense of obligation for doing her duty because its her male victim’s fault, there is NO hope for the LAFD as they are on-record, via the second-highest ranking officer, stating that not all rescuees are human beings worthy of rescue.
Corporate culture comes from the top, and if your boss doesnt feel obliged, why should YOU?
Especially if you were hired EXPLICITLY because your life choices are a reflection of HERS.
…its not the LAFD any more, its the LAFF.
They would be high comedy if they werent so deadly.
As it is, they should all be sacked immediately and every fire they supervised investigated thoroghly, to see if any of the “failed rescues” were more a lack of effort or interest on the part of Command rather than things that would have happened anyway, since her apparent hatred for husbands and the wives that love them puts everything shes ever done in quite an unpleasant light…
lard ass fur divers
…good take on the fireposers including the incident above…
“It’s unclear when the reservoir first went offline.”
Unclear? As in, we don’t know? How in the actual fuck is this even possible?
Ain’t it the Truth
Sunday, 12 January 2025, 11:52 at 11:52 am
‘“It’s unclear when the reservoir first went offline.”
Unclear? As in, we don’t know? How in the actual fuck is this even possible?’
…dont they pay someone a FUCKTON of money to know things exactly like that?
…oh, yeah, THEY ARE.
…if these g
folks dont know a simple thing like that, take back ALL their pay and prosrcute them for fraud.
Because they CLEARLY werent doing their JOBS.
A lot of our lives are dictated by the “Blue Model” as in low flow shower heads and faucets, dishwashers and washing machines that don’t clean, not to mention regulations on automobiles due to climate concerns that start there and become nationwide restrictions.
Washington DC is where laws are written to expand Californias wet dreams.
SNS^^^ I wish this would happen but nobody gets fired for incompetence and failure to do their job as long as they’re buddies with the politicians.
Hey LA – sorry for your problems but do you feel stupid yet? If not, why not?
Obese Black Lesbian Fire Fraud Lives Matter – OBLFFLM. – Catchy, ain’t it?
Give those girls a raise! They are doing the people’s work – rooting out toxicity wherever they see it. It’s a tough job but somebody must do it.
I guess the + refers to Extra-Fat size now…
I despise the word “unclear”. It’s way overused and in the case of the fire now ravaging the LA area, it sounds like officials are hiding something. How could it possibly be unclear? They keep records of things like that.
I’m calling BS on the person who said that.
Elon always posts the best shit. This guy pretty much sums up the problem.
Harry — You win this thread’s comment award! Don’t be surprised if someone on the internets copies it entirely to make their point. I’ve seen IOTW’s comments lifted and used without attribution.
On the Santa Ynez reservoir… I had replied to Brad a day or so ago, that Google Earth last showed water in the reservoir in 2009. But after further research I think my photo interpretation skills are rusty. Sometime between 2009 and 2011 they removed a structure that appears to be a pickup or fill, or possibly simply an aeration device. By 2011 a black shiny surface is presented, but it isn’t quite complete. There’s a hole you can see what appears to be some kind of structure in place where the previous structure may have been removed. I’d have to do some kind of overlay to be sure. In any event, I’m surmising this is the “cover” they mention as being torn in several of the articles. A floating plastic barrier that cuts evaporation (LA would be 6+ inches per month in summer!) and prevents in-fall of fauna, bird feces, etc… This then allows the reservoir to hold treated potable water rather than untreated non-potable water. This would also allow them to remove any local treatment equipment needed to bring the water up to a potable state on site. Gets rid of the Karen’s complaining about trucks with scary hazmat placards driving in the fancy neighborhood, etc… They simply pump treated water up to the reservoir for immediate use. However…
Treated potable water actually has a shelf life. There are oxidizer (chlorine, etc…) requirements that have to be met to keep bacteria from growing and contaminating the system. That then limits the reservoir capacity to an average time of residency that preserves the water potability. What this really means is they essentially traded reservoir capacity away. It used to hold 117 million gallons, but they only make use of a fraction of that due to the residency time limit.
And in viewing the “cover” from 2012 thru 2019, I can see very little evidence of the cover heaving or changing shape. There’s some, but I’ll hazard a guess it never held more than 10% of capacity in any of the admittedly highly subjectively timed photos. In 2019 the cover appears to have an accumulation of rainfall sitting on it. That might provide a failure mechanism as well.
Mark my words,
What is going to be pushed relentlessly is incompetence. It is already that the talking points have gone out and the lead in to each and every story will contain the word incompetence. Incompetence will be shoehorned into the story and the story will end with incompetence.
It is happening today and it is obviously the narrative they are pushing. That tells me that the progressive machine has already written off the Mayor, Fire Chiefs and the rest of the primary actors. I promise you that they are being told to GTFO and admit and take responsibility for incompetence or we are just fine with upping the cost to having you charged and prosecuted for criminal acts and we own the kangaroo courts.
Kali Refugee in Texas SUNDAY, 12 JANUARY 2025, 14:48 AT 2:48 PM^^^I don’t remember where but some reservoirs in Cal use floating plastic balls in place of sheets of plastic to limit evaporation.
Yes, but floating balls do not completely eliminate evaporation, nor do they protect against contamination. Birds still crap on them. They’re used to reduce evaporation of non-potable water prior to treatment. The 6 inch figure I gave above is the evaporation rate of standing water in the LA area in July. It adds up quickly… A 10 acre reservoir loses 6 inches, half a foot of water over its entire surface area. For a 10 acre reservoir, that’s 5 acre feet of water, or 1,629,000 gallons per month. Most reservoirs are much bigger than 10 acres.
Most California water is super pure Sierra snow melt. I used to develop B&W film as a teen, and could skip the distilled water rinse and not get water spots. (Here in Texas I can barely wash one fender of my truck before needing to stop and chisel the calcium water spots away…) Treating water to make it potable in California used to be no more than flocculation & filter, activated carbon, followed perhaps by UV then chlorination/fluoridation. The UV step made the hold time after chlorination quite short. The flocculation step is the slowest, but after that it would be out of treatment and in the delivery system in minutes I believe. But they seem to have tossed than out with the Santa Ynez segment in favor of remote treatment and a reduction in local storage. The question is why, and what was the deciding factor? Who services the cover? What changes were made in system operation & balancing to adjust for the capacity variable? Trading a 120 million gallon water supply for a 20 – 30 million gallon supply would have pissed off every fire chief back to Ben Franklin or even Praefectus Vigilum.
I’m all for the ones who voted for what they got, and got good, to pay the politicians they voted into office and the idiots those politicians appointed to use these agencies to advance their political agenda to do what comes natural to them. Dox the bastards, announce a flash mob and pay the sonsabitches a mostly peaceful visit at their place of residence.
AbigailAdams – Thanks for the compliment!
So far as someone lifting it, I dont really care. I am not on any Social Media so I won’t see it. If others do, so much the better so long as they look (think) before leaping and I truly think that more and more people are starting to re-think their positions on Liberalism and what it really does to society.