Ocasio-Cortez Claims She Fast-Tracked HIV Drugs to Market [Which happened before she was elected] – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez Claims She Fast-Tracked HIV Drugs to Market [Which happened before she was elected]

WFB: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) falsely claimed that her work in Congress fast-tracked the arrival of life-saving HIV drugs to the market, taking credit for a corporate decision made four years before she was elected to Congress.

Responding to President Trump’s criticism of House Democrats, the progressive congresswoman fabricated a personal achievement by claiming that she “took on Big Pharma” with “colleagues in hearings that brought PrEP generic a year early” in a tweet last week.

In fact, Gilead, the pharmaceutical company behind PrEP—a medication that can reduce the transmission risk of HIV by 99 percent—had reached an agreement back in 2014 to allow a generic version of the drug to come to market a year early. The company disclosed that agreement weeks before its CEO, Daniel O’Day, appeared before Congress in May. read more

14 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez Claims She Fast-Tracked HIV Drugs to Market [Which happened before she was elected]

  1. Stupid lying idiot
    The only people more stupid are those
    who voted for her

    But what is to be expected in NYC ?

    Just like Schmuck Chomper
    in the USA Senate

    What do you expect in NYS ?

  2. Geezuz, there has to be at least one intrepid reporter left that would brace her on this issue. On the face of it she’s caught flat out lying on a serious issue, trying to gain political points for herself at the expense of the Pharma Company that made the decision to allow a cheaper generic to the market a year early. Hell, somebody from Good Houskeeping could ask!

  3. Assuming her story is true: Big Pharma likes to spend a ton of money developing new drugs just so they can drag their heals before releasing them, delaying how long it will be before the companies can recoup any of their investment?

    I don’t supposed regulations and testing requirements imposed by the government to keep Big Pharma from putting drugs on the market too fast before they were fully tested had anything to do with it.

  4. What is it with D’s? AOC fast tracked drugs before she was “inaugurated”, Gore invented the internet, Blumenthal served in Nam, Warren believes she is Injun, Biden still thinks he is GO at times. If we had a serious press they would have been shamed out of office long ago. But..Democrats.

  5. In the US, pharmaceutical companies and the medical powers that be are not in business to prevent and cure anybody. And it is business because greed is the force that actually keeps people sick, weak, and dying. Note that the HIV drug was unwillingly made available sooner than was actually profitable enough.

    An opinionated analysis is given at this site, based on actual experience and knowledge of what is reality in the unethical US medical industry. We are victims of a corrupt non-health agenda.
    “I cannot even begin to describe what a RIP OFF medical is in the United States and what a scam not even getting to keep your own medical records is. The secrecy and the rip off is SO BAD it does not compute. I see it as an open, overt act of war on the country – an act of war specifically intended to rob and weaken people as much as possible to make America that much easier to overthrow totally and to target everyone effectively when the time comes, and you can take this to the bank: IT IS. THEY WANT YOU SECRETLY DOCUMENTED BEFORE THE TAKE DOWN. You had better keep your mouth shut around your doctor. They ask those “friendly” prying questions about guns and politics for a reason and GOD FORBID you refuse a vaccine. Imagine how you’ll do in a prison camp or before a court after being pre – back stabbed.
    WHY can’t you keep your own medical records? ANSWER THAT. WHY?”


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