Ocasio-Cortez has a mustache that she may or may not like – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez has a mustache that she may or may not like

38 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez has a mustache that she may or may not like

  1. She’s kinda sweet, though, isn’t she? In a childish sort of way… like an 8 year-old who’s trying to help her mom in the kitchen while talking about how hard 3rd grade is. She has trouble holding the knife and chopping things with it, but giver her time.

    Moe tom in 3, 2, 1…

  2. more bothered by the shit out her here childish lips than what more may come out of them,,
    (see what I did there?, not going low road?)
    Nah, just kiddin’
    F’ Her!

  3. Gee, Wally, she is so much less (just ahead and insert your best June Clever words)
    June is a rocket scientist, she made it possible to get to Mars!.
    Ward was a Drunk child/wife beating turd!
    Hey, wally?,
    Yea, it’s blood beave,,
    Dad’s a drunk prick,,
    also Stay away from Eddie,,
    Grease man called the uglististly white woman ever,,
    The more you know,,,

  4. You can hate her ’cause she’s stupid, a communist, a hypocrite, or any combination of reasons, but if you’re objective, you can see she’s out-Trumping Trump. People and the press fawned over Bill and Barry’s ability to communicate. I agree Bill was a master conversationalist who, even though you knew he was robbing you blind, was easy to listen to – review his SOTU addresses if you don’t believe me. Barry got a LOT of undeserved credit – poor um speaker who hmm couldn’t um talk ahh without a teleprompter (and there’s camera proof of that). But, name the only president who reached directly into the phones of America HIMSELF and you only have DJT. At first a lot of us hated it, but realizing he’d never get a fair hearing anywhere else, we understood why decided to speak literally for himself. Covfefe off if you don’t like it! AOC is the only one since who has mastered this. Her apartment talks are as homey as FDR’s fireside chats and her people LOVE her. She may be too stupid to understand a garbage disposal, but WE’RE the only ones making fun of her. Her followers probably went home wondering if a garbage disposal IS bad for the environment. So, even if they are as stupid as her, HER MESSAGE GOT OUT. Pocahontas can’t do it. Beto can’t do it. Only she and Trump have pulled this off – and she’s better at it because she’s young, has the language, and is good looking. When TF is the rest of our side going to wake up and be this accessible with good ideas of their own?

  5. There is no “Second of all.” There’s only a “First of all.” Then you say “Second” or “Secondly.” Where is our English language going?


    Big diff between her and Trump and how they are viewed by the media. She is called “The Phenom” by Time Magazine. Trump gets crapped on every day.

    Of course we are the only ones making fun of her. The MSM won’t, no matter what stupid things she says. It’s up to conservatives to do the job, and we’re doing it.

    Is she winning the media battle? To liberals she is, which betrays their own shallowness.


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