Ocasio-Cortez On Climate Change: ‘Is It Okay To Still Have Children?’ – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez On Climate Change: ‘Is It Okay To Still Have Children?’

What is the deal with Socialists doing videos from their kitchens?

DC: Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posed a question to her supporters during a streaming conversation from her kitchen Sunday night: “Is it okay to still have children” because of global warming?

There is a “[s]cientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult, and it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question,” Ocasio-Cortez said before going on to ask, “Is it okay to still have children?”

“Not just financially because people are graduating with 20, 30, $100,000 worth of student loan debt, and so they can’t even afford to have kids and a house, but also just this basic moral question, like ‘what do we do?’” Ocasio-Cortez continued.  more


SNIP:  I hope she has all the birth control she would ever need. For the planet’s sake.

35 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez On Climate Change: ‘Is It Okay To Still Have Children?’

  1. Of course it’s not O.K. to have children if you’re a global warming nut. In fact, the hell are you doing walking around the planet sucking up our irreplaceable oxygen and consuming valuable resources?

    If you truly loved the planet you would terminate your own existence in the most eco friendly, and on scale way possible.

  2. She has never accomplished anything in her life yet that would warrant her sense superiority and great wisdom that she seems to have. Whoever it is that put her up to run for Congress in the first place must be pretty pleased with themself.

  3. As much as liberals LOVE abortion, why would they be concerned about having children? It is okay to have sex, but if there is a “complication” from having sex…….quick, simple, easy remedy….right???

    The older I get, the harder it has become to tolerate the left.

  4. Generally, when my bartender tries to panic people it’s because the cheap whisky isn’t selling as well as he thinks it should. Even then, he doesn’t claim that the world will end unless we pay people who choose not to work, replace every building in the country or who refuse to drink Old Battery Acid brand bourbon.

    Ocasio-Cortez has leaped directly into full panic mode without considering any of the science or scientific debate on global warming. And a lot of people are taking her seriously even though she has exactly zero experience or educational credentials in this or any other area. She’s doing nothing more than trying to panic the herd into stampeding off of a cliff.

    I personally prefer that socialists not reproduce.

  5. If you’re the kind of idiot who thinks you need AOC’s blessing to have children, then do the world a huge fucking favor and get yourself spayed or neutered before you breed. The results of you popping out rugrats could only be unfortunate for all parties involved.

  6. Ha ha!
    That’s rich.
    A nihilistic totalitarian who advocates infanticide (with or without Globaloney warming) is gonna ask that question? And the sophomoronic lemmings who worship her aren’t a tad confused? (well, yeah, they’re confused – I mean “more” confused – if that’s even possible)

    Taking “f’da l’il chillens” a bit far, isn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The kitchen video is to demonstrate that they are regular people doing every day things and are taking time out of their day to do a video and lecture the rest of us about the subject of the day.

  8. Look at the photo, it was set up like by a pro. She’s got the glasses on so she looked smart, the hair is tied back because “working”, she’s wearing a light sweater with the sleeves drawn up because she can’t wear a white, collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to show she’s working and intense (see every male politician in a “casual” or Town Meeting show), she’s in the cramped kitchen making supper showing us she doesn’t live like a rich person in a big kitchen and that she always makes her own dinner just like the little people who elected her (actually the little people that elected her were more likely smoking crystal or sniffing glue when they went to vote).
    Be careful, with this one. She may actually be as dumb as a post and a true believer but the Dems will not allow her to screw up their plans and will control her somehow.

  9. The “cutie dancing” persona is long gone and, forgive my shallowness, in its place is this wack ego-bitch with the squeaky voice and bug-eyes.

    GOP Manna from Heaven.

  10. Another Cortezism: (from a friend) “You know we don’t even build nothing in America no more. It’s true. I bought a TV last week and it said ‘built in Antenna,’ I don’t even know where it is. You know.”

  11. This retard keeps pushing her green energy of no more fossil fuels and cow fart ban while she has a huge block of cow’s milk cheese with a gas range oven behind her that she is using to cook her chili. Communist hypocrite to the bone.

  12. I really am getting tired of this bint with inch worms for eyebrows telling everyone to embrace their culture of death. To float the narrative that life isn’t worth living embraces death. She needs to get a life.

  13. We need to just make her believe planet x is real and it is going to hit earth on April 20 at 4:20 PM 2021. Then she can devote her time trying to figure out how to save the earth from the impact. It’s about as real as CO2 causing global warming. The sun is what causes warming or cooling of earth and it’s about to take a nap that is going to cause global cooling. We need all the CO2 possible to help plant life survive the colder climate that is coming.

  14. Surrounded by all the amenities of an existence enhanced by life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the communist cadre wants her proletariat devotees to surrender their rights to the State, while she lives very comfortably.
    This country is not there – yet, but AOC is a harbinger of what’s to come if we don’t stop the likes of her – socialist tools of a death culture, communism that would destroy this country and millions of American lives.


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