Ocasio-Cortez’s Amazon-sized problem – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez’s Amazon-sized problem

Daily Caller: Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have an Amazon-sized problem when she seeks reelection in the state’s 14th District in 2020.

Washington, D.C.-based attorney Dan Backer, founder of the Stop The AOC PAC, spoke to The Daily Caller about recent polling data from the self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist’s home turf.

Backer began by explaining what drove him to create a PAC to challenge Ocasio-Cortez in the first place: “My family came from Russia when I was a baby, and I grew up hearing what they went through. And I have a strong dislike for that ideology.”

Quoting a line often repeated by former President Ronald Reagan — who got it from 18th-century Anglo-Irish statesman Edmund Burke — Backer noted, “‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ Someone had to stand up and do something. If we don’t challenge socialism, we let it win.”

What Backer did was send people into Ocasio-Cortez’ district. “We did robocalls and text message polling and compared the data. We expected to see some variation, but the data was almost identical.

The results, Backer explained, revealed a possible weakness: Ocasio-Cortez’ position on bringing a new Amazon headquarters to Queens.  more here

15 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez’s Amazon-sized problem

  1. AOC May very well lose reelection in 2020, but that won’t slow down the Dems. They will run her for the senate next time around. And she will probably win. Stupid NY.

  2. At the corner of Buyer’s Remorse Blvd and Schadenfreude Street. She really needs to go back to being a lousy bartender. Pretty sure she sucked at that, too.

  3. She’s in trouble like Biden has a double digit lead.

    Meaning, she’s not.

    Her constituency didn’t want Amazon.

    Besides, she’s free lockerroom material and will keep any Dem from running a sane campaign as she is the exalted Czar of Purity Tests.

  4. If she becomes a pundit the contract should offer her a flat fee per appearance, but subtract $50 for every use of the word “like” when it is used inappropriately.

    So, like, um, like, she would earn no like money.


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