Ocasio-Cortez’s Top Aide Funneled $1+ Million In Political Donations To His Own Private Business, Report Says – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez’s Top Aide Funneled $1+ Million In Political Donations To His Own Private Business, Report Says

Daily Wire: Saikat Chakrabarti, the brains behind socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who also serves as her chief of staff, allegedly funneled over $1 million in political donations to his own private companies, according to a new complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission.

“Chakrabarti’s companies appear to have been set up for the sole purpose of obscuring how the political donations were used,” The Washington Examinerreported. “The arrangement skirted reporting requirements and may have violated the $5,000 limit on contributions from federal PACs to candidates, according to the complaint filed by the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group.”

The Examiner noted that cash transfers from the PACs run completely against what Ocasio-Cortez has repeatedly claimed that she stands for, increasing transparency and reducing “dark money” in politics.

Campaign finance attorneys told the Examiner that Chakrabarti’s actions were “really weird,” and that they are an indication that “there’s something amiss.”

Tom Anderson, the director of the National Legal and Policy Center’s Government Integrity Project, told the Examiner: “It appears Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her associates ran an off-the-books operation to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, thus violating the foundation of all campaign finance laws: transparency.”

This latest development comes after a report last week revealed that Ocasio-Cortez’s new “living wage” rule that she implemented for her staff allows her staff to “avoid public transparency laws that would require them to reveal outside income, gifts, and stock trading activity,” the Washington Examiner reported.

Chakrabarti, 33, is a wealthy Silicon Valley entrepreneur who recently purchased a $1.6 million home in Maryland.

In a separate statement, Anderson said: “Purposefully underpaying staffers in order to avoid transparency is an old trick some of the most corrupt members of Congress have used time and again.”

Another report on Ocasio-Cortez from mid-February highlighted even more of the 29-year-old’s hypocrisy.  MORE HERE

33 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez’s Top Aide Funneled $1+ Million In Political Donations To His Own Private Business, Report Says

  1. 1. Is she banging this guy?
    2. Is her boyfriend banging this guy?
    3. How much is her cut?
    4. Is she dumber than was ever imaginable? So much so that she didn’t know he did this?

  2. If put in perspective, this would be like DJT perpetrating a fraud of approx. $50 TRILLION (her net worth vs his).

    And yet the US Congress is subpoenaing $100 lunch receipts and inventorying the # of hairs on the President’s ass.

  3. Quick someone slap Mitchy McConnell, or even Mittens Romney, in the face with a yard stick.
    Yes, I know they’re Senators not Congressmen, but smacking them in the face would be a good thing.

  4. One of the top three reasons I was thrilled that Trump beat Hillary was that I would not be subjected to that face, that voice, or any dopey stories about how she puts the AWE in awesome. This reprieve was short lived. Now, I can’t swing a dead Antifa warrior around without hitting another AOC story. She mug and antics are documented everywhere, I’m already sick of her. Yeah, I know she is news but could we just have one AOC free day?

  5. It’s all in your frame of mind, Rich.
    The next AOC story could be that she tried to cross a beltway Interstate and stuck her hand out to make the traffic stop because she has that power.

  6. Geez, impossible to comprehend just how stupid AOC really is. Where has she been the last 10 years? Every democommie knows democrats are expected to commit crimes then when caught, blame Bush. What a dumb ass.

  7. My Dad’s second wife had daughters like this….they’d get all squinty eyed( eyes rolling back in their head) and be tapping their teeth with a pen, then they’d look up and offer a completely stupid comment. They thought they were a legendary spokesperson……I’d step on their neck if they were drowning in a mud puddle…..

  8. 1. Is it too late to ask for a late term abortion on this one?
    2. Is using a Dewalt power tool for Syria law for Clitorectimies endorsed?
    3. Nah, this ones too easy. Please add to the list
    Hopefully she will marry a clumsy Muslim that happens to unintentionally spill a pot of heated oil all over her,
    ‘Cause for now it seems we are stuck with this,,,

  9. ‘I’d step on their neck if they were drowning in a mud puddle…..’
    Certainly insures the plus side of a will, written the right way.
    Note to self:
    Check your mail, hopefully you will not be requested to attend the reading of this one,,,
    Willy, with all due respect you are a magnificent Bastard!
    Don’t ever get caught!

  10. Adding to the the No Blushes list:

    4. Is it too late for tar and feathering?
    5. Is it too late for stocks in the public square?
    6. Is it too late for a witch bitch trial?

  11. she’s in it, and up to her eyeballs.

    It was her PAC.

    He is going to be the fall guy and pull a ‘tony pedesta,’ where he just fills out some paperwork and postdates it, because- oopsie, it was a mistake.
    It is fraud, and the money needs to be followed. Anyone who benefitted from these monies needs to have their taxes and incomes looked at, and not by a committee in congress. They can’t do anything but refer. An investigation needs to be done by someone who can prosecute. Maybe President Trump could appoint Sheriff Joe as a Special Investigator for the DOJ. (Did her mother get any of the money for her new house in florida? And how about her new condo in DC?).
    princess sparkle pony needs to go to the big house for a time out.

  12. They think that “the cause” is so important that it’s OK to lie and break rules to achieve their goal. The end justifies the means. Besides, the laws are immoral. In their minds the laws perpetuate the immoral racist inequality, so the laws are immoral. It’s a righteous thing to break the law in pursuit of the communism that they lie and call socialism.

  13. Ilham Onar: “I am told everyday that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel…”

    Alcatraz Courtez: “I was told that it’s considered “off-limits” to report on a member’s family, love life, etc.”

    Who is telling you this stuff, gals? The strawmen in your heads?

  14. Who ever gave her money had to know it was going to be used for nefarious purposes. No, wait, that’s what “we” all knew. We also know stupid and money love to part ways.


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