Occasional-Cortex blames unnamed staffer for Green New deal fiasco – IOTW Report

Occasional-Cortex blames unnamed staffer for Green New deal fiasco

American Thinker- The buck stops somewhere well below the exalted personage of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  I wonder if she even knows who Harry Truman was.  President Truman famously acknowledged that the boss has to take the blame when his people screw up with the slogan “the buck stops here.”  He even had a sign on his presidential desk with that motto on it.  (Many years ago, I bought a copy at the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri.  You can get them nowadays on Amazon, though the price seems steep.)

Ocasio-Cortez, who enjoyed an infomercial yesterday on MSNBC in the form of a televised town hall meeting in her district, disagrees with this theory of executive leadership, preferring to blame her staff for the release of an early FAQ on her Green New Deal that contained absurdities about banning cows and airplanes.  Matt Whitlock captured the moment of blame-denial in a video clip tweet:


25 Comments on Occasional-Cortex blames unnamed staffer for Green New deal fiasco

  1. Just how many “Brain – Eating” amoeba does she have in her head? Looks like she needs some “Bleach Brain” poured into her ears, kind of like Killary’s “Bleach Bit” for her hard drives.

  2. This broad sucks, I’ll bring up another subject:
    Pedestrian deaths rise in the US. Y’all think that it has anything to do with increased muslim drivers? Just askin.’

  3. A good socialist:

    Always maintain immaculate ignorance
    Have complete immunity from results
    Take out a restraining order against reality so that facts cannot come within 500 ft. of you
    Make straight A’s in fuzzy math
    Be deaf to anything in the form of a question especially questions that contain the word “how”
    Associate only with fellow socialists
    Always maintain absolute smug certainty
    Be ready at all times to boldly state the opposite of the truth no matter how outrageously obvious
    Divorce yourself from history
    Have your sense of humor surgically removed

  4. Uncle Al. Great point. OAC is an ass. But most Taxi driver killers in NYC are muslim. However there are no statistics. I just hear it from some friends
    They smell, they have loud arabic music playing and they constantly chatter. Phucking horrible ride. .

  5. There used to be a time in New York City when a cabby was an Irishman, A jew, or an Italian. Guys who would chat with you about the weather, sports, politics, whatever. Not no more. Phucking muslims have taken over. I guess London , Paris, Madrid, and Milan are the same.

  6. Hmm…I remember her professor/advisor/guru telling Tucker Carlson that “some Republicans have put it out there.”
    Maybe there are some Republicans in her staff?!

  7. Here’s another change of topic. Sorry. Just watched Chris Wallace interview Kellyanne Conway. Wallace is a scumbag, just like his old man.
    Phuck Fox anymore.

  8. She’s the squirrel, the shiny object, and everyone’s watching her when they should be paying attention to what the magician is doing with his other hand.

  9. @moetom. Saw that this morning. That shitweasel Wallace asked her about her marriage. She properly dressed him down for going to such an inappropriate “none of your phucking business” place.

  10. How does a Jewish kid get a name such as Chris?
    Well, Chuck Todd, David Gregory, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher,,, it’s long list.
    Usually if 2 first names are used (minus Maher) 9 out of 10 you could bet on.


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