Occasional Cortex is having an existential crisis – IOTW Report

Occasional Cortex is having an existential crisis

Occasional Cortex is having an existential crisis. The crisis is she can’t stop using the word existential.

I think she learned it recently and is showing off for her audience.

The audio is hard to hear, but I listened twice.

Here’s a transcript from memory.

“You know, like the Nazis, and how they bombed Pearl Harbor. This was like an existential crisis. But we didn’t quit. We, like, put hundreds of people, millions even, to work and protected our shores. This was an existential crisis, the war. And you know what else is an existential crisis? Global warming. But we have the blueprint for fighting this existential crisis, it’s the same one we used to beat the Russians in World War B, and we can use it again to beat the global warming enemy. We can do it.”

I’m pretty sure I have it about right.



13 Comments on Occasional Cortex is having an existential crisis

  1. “Existential” is a pretty cool word, ya gotta admit.
    Sorta like “paradigm” – the pseudo-intellectual sophomorons jam it in wherever it sounds sonorous.

    I really like it when Geraldo Ribera says it – it makes him seem – I don’t know – less of a jerk.

  2. Most of the people spouting the Globaloney Warming nonsense understand that it’s nonsense, and simply a method to get the gullible to part from their money – or (better yet) to run rough-shod over the political class to extort money through taxation.
    This poor dumb cluck doesn’t seem to get it.
    I have a sneaking suspicion that she’s a moron who says pretty much whatever her handlers tell her.

    Some impartial (?) reporter-type should ask her a few questions to expose her appalling ignorance and watch her brain freeze and seize her mouth in mid-sentence – she doesn’t appear to have (say) an HRC ability to lie or to say absolutely nothing in a torrent of words.
    It’ll be fun to watch her thrown to the curb when her 15 seconds are up.

    izlamo delenda est …


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