Occasional-Cortex: “We didn’t vote with the party because one of the spending bills included ICE funding” – IOTW Report

Occasional-Cortex: “We didn’t vote with the party because one of the spending bills included ICE funding”

DC: New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voted against a short-term bill to reopen the government on Wednesday. She explained via Instagram stories that she opposed the bill because it contained Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) funding.

“Most of our votes are pretty straightforward, but today was a tough/nuanced call,” she wrote as the caption on the Instagram story video. “We didn’t vote with the party because one of the spending bills included ICE funding, and our community felt strongly about not funding that.”  more here


SNIP: Well, that’s selfish of her. I thought she wanted federal workers to be paid?

21 Comments on Occasional-Cortex: “We didn’t vote with the party because one of the spending bills included ICE funding”

  1. I’ve about had a bellyful of hearing this woman’s ridiculously long name every 10 minutes on the news. From now on, I want her referred to as, “That bitch from the Bronx”.

    Rolls off the tongue better…

  2. “Most of our votes are pretty straightforward, but today was a tough/nuanced call,”

    How many votes have you made, you Two-Week Wonder?

    “our”….seriously, get over ourself, Sandy.

  3. I hate to say it but the way I’m feeling with the current SOTU more specifically the control of the house, the questionable reliance on the meager majority of RINO’s in the Senate, the liberal 9th Circuit and then adding the recent elections of mooselimes and socialists it ain’t looking pretty. So much anti-conservative, anti-Trump, anti-Christian, anti-life, anti-border, anti, anti, anti……. seems to be happening and at a much accelerated rate lately. I beg you to please lift me from my pessimism.

  4. The only dead people she sees are two illegal alien children who died in custody after jumping our border, not the thousands of Americans killed by illegal aliens. I hope that AO-C doesn’t go too far too soon with her Socialist nonsense, because I like how she is driving her Party off the cliff. This is a thang of booty.

  5. Sorry aleon, can’t help you. In fact you brought me down a notch or two. Trump has lost some of his Mojo, and the media senses it. Trump needs to use some of ammunition, FISA documents for example? What the HELL is he waiting for?

  6. Dreams From My Father. The Audacity of Hope. Change We Can Believe In.
    Propagandized “Hope and Change” on the heels of the financial meltdown/bailout under Bush.

    Now comes “Knock Down the House”, a documentary debuting at the Sundance Film Festival on 1/26.

    The hysteria surrounding AOC, an ill informed, socialist darling of the far far left, “the one we’ve been waiting for” is being prepped and propped up by the same faceless, unnamed entities who seated obama.

    No doubt she’s entertaining. She’s also dangerous. Deja vu.

  7. @MJA; she never wanted ALL workers paid, just those she and her trolls approved of. I hope to hell this is reported on. Maybe it’s time ICE stopped all enforcement and investigation efforts in her district and that somehow slips out to the neighborhood.

  8. I’m with you, Marco.
    This woman is going to be GOLD for the next few years!
    Just keep her talking and she’ll lay out the whole Dem plan for EVERYONE to witness.
    She could be the asp that poisons the party!
    Go AOC!


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