Occupation and Ideology – IOTW Report

Occupation and Ideology

Meerkat sent the graphic below. It’s from this site.

The graph shows where an industry or occupation donated money. Left of the zero is the left, and right of it is the right.

We see that the right is comprised of builders, bankers, food producers, and energy producers… basically, the engines of survival.

Other than pharmaceuticals, the left’s vocations primarily deal with thoughts and opinions… basically, bullshit.

Explains a lot.

9 Comments on Occupation and Ideology

  1. As I have mentioned before, it explains why Obama couldn’t figure out how Trump could brag about bring the jobs back. The Right builds the infrastructure and is responsible for goods and manufacturing. The Left is about entertaining the masses and extolling their own virtue while figuring out new ways to redistribute the wealth.

  2. Notice that occupations that provide essential services and do real work tend to vote to the right. Professions that involve bullshit and scumbaggery are lopsided to the left.

  3. It’s a good strategy — looks like the winning hand on a Monopoly board. We’ve got Boardwalk, Park Place, the utilities, the railroads…and they’ve got Community Chest and the Get Out of Jail Free cards.

  4. So the left does things that pretty much tear down people and the country and the right does things that build and keep the country going and productive.
    No surprise there.


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