Occupy Wall Street Protester Who Fathered the “Occubaby” Has Died in Raqqa – IOTW Report

Occupy Wall Street Protester Who Fathered the “Occubaby” Has Died in Raqqa

He went to fight on behalf of the Kurds.

Smash the State

17 Comments on Occupy Wall Street Protester Who Fathered the “Occubaby” Has Died in Raqqa

  1. “He lived very much in the moment. He would throw himself into something wholly without thoughts about that future for himself, which got him in trouble sometimes,” Murphy told the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

    No shit Sherlock! One down, many more to go.

  2. LameGame July 13, 2017 at 7:31 am

    Very clever way of getting out of child support.

    And now the taxpayer has to support the kid until the age of 18 and possibly beyond. EBTAB = EBT anchor baby.

  3. I have no prob with this, in fact, he actually matured into supporting a cause greater than himself.
    I suppose he could’ve morphed into an Antifa anarchist like many post occupiers, contributing zero to a society they wish to burn down.

    One mans danger is another mans adventure. RIP

  4. Hey guys sorry to pop your balloon! He went to fight for the YPG. Yes, they are Kurds,but they are the anti-american faction pro Communist faction. He fought for the side that most resembled his beliefs. Sorry that the child with will not have father growing up. On a bright side at least he had balls enough to actually pick up a rifle and go into combat unlike most of his kind.

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