OccupyDemocrats Issues Warning To Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

OccupyDemocrats Issues Warning To Trump Supporters

Woooooooooooooo…. woooooooo….

Watch out, they’ll be armed with their winter kale.

(By the way. It seems obvious that  they realllllly hate being called snowflakes. So let’s keep it up.)


ht/ annie

28 Comments on OccupyDemocrats Issues Warning To Trump Supporters

  1. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

    The more you disrupt, destroy and deceive the greater the resistance of your demented cause.

    Greater numbers support President Trump and his policies each day of your dishonest socialist chicanery.
    You’re on a roll, don’t stop now.

    PS: A real warning: Don’t stand in front of my car, soros won’t pay your medical bills.

  2. You are taking this way too lightly. Remember all the attacks on Trump supporters? The knockout game? The blind sided attacks? These people are not to be taken lightly. They are cowards who fight dirty. We can only hope that the new justice dept goes after them and locks them up forever. Or better yet shoots a few of them.

  3. See, I don’t get these snowflakes or how they approach life… If someone told me that I was acting like a complete fruitcake, a bitch, nutso, out of control. I’d stop and take stock of myself before rebutting or denying it. FUNCTIONING adults do NOT throw temper tantrums based on falsehoods, they just do not. I am so embarrassed of my generation I can’t even begin.

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