Ocean Gate’s Last Ad is Creepy Considering… – IOTW Report

Ocean Gate’s Last Ad is Creepy Considering…

36 Comments on Ocean Gate’s Last Ad is Creepy Considering…

  1. I read this morning that the carbon fiber that they used was purchased from Boeing surplus. Boeing sold it because it was past its shelf life and they wouldn’t use it. I have an acquaintance that makes his own planes and makes regular trips to Boeing surplus for materials. I haven’t seen him in a few years, now I’m wondering about him.

  2. We still have a (mostly) free will to pursue our desires but we must use our God given brains to decern right from wrong and safe from dangerous. Yes, there was no government oversite on this device but you had to sign a waiver to absolve your own stupidity. My heart aches for the families of those who perished but they knew the terms before they got on the vessel.

  3. …the woman who says “Not for one second do you feel unsafe?”

    Fact check TRUE.

    …between their willful ignorance, blind trust in hubris, and the fact that an implosion doesn’t TAKE a second start to finish, its probably pretty much true that EVERYONE on that maritime abortion (other than the buffaloed 19 yo) could have said that right up until there wasn’t enough of them left to say anything at all…

  4. Funny that they mentioned Mt Everest, I was thinking how the Titanic site might end up with dead bodies strewn across the seabed much the same as the slopes Everest. Of course Everest has a growing poop problem too.

  5. The one on the trip I feel for is the son who went to please his father. He did not want to go and was apprehensive. Too bad he could not have gone with his gut feeling.

  6. @ Eugina
    A great line from a favorite blues song;
    “if there’s any doubt then there ain’t no doubt, the gut don’t ever lie”

    I learned a long time ago to trust what my guts told me and have never regretted it.

  7. The result will be more government regulations, inspections and FEES, especially FEES to stifle innovation. and invention. And as usual there will be less freedom of thought.

  8. This kind of jackoffery masquerading as serious research is a scandal in its own right. The University of Washington is distancing itself from this fiasco, but it is absolutely consistent with much of what has become of them. Not to paint the UW with a broad brush, but there is are elements therein that is an absolute scandal and a disgrace and unworthy of respect on any level.

  9. one might think, with all the explorations of the Tttantic, that by now, there would be numerous pics of the impact site with the iceberg, along with analytical commentary. Haven’t seen such a thing. The sides were 1 inch thick steel, I have read.
    betcha further explorations will be very limited/stopped.

    they did ride the story right through a bunch of biden corruption news, with the US Navy claiming to have known of its implosion on the afternoon of day one.

  10. This brand of horse shit appeals to a certain element. They didn’t put any thought into researching what the risk actually was, their feelings were what mattered. Kind of like a lot of people’s methodology when it comes to voting. My inclination is that it would be all but impossible to find a “global warming denier” among them, or anyone who demanded transparency before jumping on the Covid injection bandwagon.

    This video doesn’t suggest additional research, it screams it. To me it suggests that if I were even considering such an experience… not with this outfit!!! and !

  11. There is absolutely no way in hell that I’d be that stupid or gullible enough to go on a one-way voyage to the bottom of the sea in a submersible. Hell, at times it was scary enough being on the top of the ocean on board a gigantic aircraft carrier like the Kitty Hawk. The vast expanses of the ocean are not a very forgiving place to be for anyone who braves the depths of the sea. They never have been, and they never will be. Every sailor who has ever sailed the seven seas knows that. Just like outer space the oceans are unforgiving.

  12. If he had any balls he would have made it a really historic dive on Challenger Deep (35,856 ft) the deepest point in the Mariana Trench! Now THAT would have made the news for sure!

  13. Time share salesman are lower than whale shit at the bottom of the Marianna’s Trench. My wife and I did get a real nice comforter and a free dinner at the Coeur d’ Alene in CDA, Idaho resort once for listening to their bullshit. And we were never suckered into going to another time share presentation ever again. They’re worse than Scamway salesmen and who usually are a part of your church trying to sucker you into buying their garbage. We got rid of a lot of phony Christians that way.

  14. Implosion. There’s nothing else like it. Dare to compare!

    Suggesion: Attach a pressure proof transmitter that will break loose in an emergency and go to the surface.
    Sir! We are receiving an emergency transmission!
    What is the message?
    Sir. It says “We are fucked”

  15. There is some good information starting to be posted. I’ve been forwarding the best of it along. Nobody knows the exact mechanism of failure at this point, but there are a lot of good points being brought up.

    Forensic engineering is fascinating to me. There is more abject bullshit out than what
    is valuable.


    For some reason I’m having problems posting links.

  16. Hi Fur,

    I cc’d you on links to really good analysis, but can’t seem to post them today. I had to get a new iPad and it isn’t fully set up yet, that may be the problem.

  17. @geoff the aardvark
    “The vast expanses of the ocean are not a very forgiving place to be…”

    Having grown up a commercial fisherman off the New England coast, this is an understatement of a Homeric epic.
    She calls to you, personally; and then she claims you for her own. No one spends any real time away from shore without knowing how she will suddenly grasp for your feet to drag you in.
    The siren does not inhabit some lost rocky shoal, she is the sea herself; and both confidence and fear are the same path to her bosom.

  18. I found the problem, they didn’t have the right diversity captain. Try again.
    You don’t need to travel out of the harbor to die in the water, for that matter people die in bathtubs.
    I have a daughter that goes camping and hiking a lot. I tell her all the time that you may love nature but nature doesn’t love you. I’m rethinking this, I’m pretty sure nature hates us.

  19. Green Boots 2023. The dead and their debris are now the newest landmark for future explorers to reference. More will be added until the Titanic has her own Rainbow Field.

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