October 17th Declared “International Pronoun Day” – IOTW Report

October 17th Declared “International Pronoun Day”

More than 50 institutions of higher learning across this great country of ours are planning on celebration the assault on the English language and common sense by celebrating the right of all individuals to choose their own pronouns.

No, this isn’t parody, it’s mass psychosis on of our campuses. More

The official website for International Pronoun Day. Here

19 Comments on October 17th Declared “International Pronoun Day”

  1. Great. My preferred pronoun is “Your Most Exalted Excellency.” And if you point out that this is not really a pronoun, consider yourself accused of a micro aggression who is violating my made up Constitutional right to not be offended.

  2. Wyatt, I like it! I however, am going for the much simpler ‘My Lord and Master’ and if anyone complains, I would just refer to their own statement … “celebrating the right of all individuals to choose their own pronouns.”

  3. She/Her: “She is a writer and wrote that book herself. Those ideas are hers. I like both her and her ideas.”

    He/Him: “He is a writer and wrote that book himself. Those ideas are his. I like both him and his ideas.”


    Go F’ yourselves,,,

  4. I feel for anyone pissing their money away by sending their kids to colleges these days. Paying huge sums for your kid to be radicalized and unemployable isn’t a good use of resources.

  5. A Professor at University of Michigan tried this several years ago. One of the more intelligent students requested he be called “His Majesty” if I recall correctly.

  6. So what’s wrong with old fashioned pronouns that show respect for whoever or whatever you are or do. Like Mr., Ms. or Mrs., Sir, Ma’am etc. Yea I know white privilege, it seems that the left in trying to make everyone conform and be the same is dividing people according to their worldview, politics, sexual orientation more than they are allowing for real diversity. I prefer to still called Sir or Mr. or even be called bud, bub, hey you than call myself a false phony baloney pronoun that is meaningless. I hate the left, can we call them progtards, liberal pablum pukers, know nothings, nattering nabobs, busybodies etc. etc.


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