Octopenis – IOTW Report


The James Bond producer, Barbara Broccoli, says the new James Bond can very well be a woman. Or maybe a black guy. (This is an older story that the fecal matter known as The Daily Mail just posted. I will link to the original article.)

Again, what is the angle here? James Bond has built a following over the years, and when you go to a Bond movie there is a rich history and backstory. We know this, this is why we enjoy it. It’s like revisiting an old friend.

Yes, there have been a number of people who played the character, but the character is a guy. It’s Bond. JAMES Bond.

Will the female Bond carry a gun?

When the new Jane Bond hits the screen, how does this character fit into all the adventures that came previously? It doesn’t.  This is stupid. It’s starting from a base that has no backstory anyway, so why even say it’s James Bond? Why not just make an action movie about a woman that has no ties at all to the Bond franchise?

I’ll tell you why. Because this is simply cultural appropriation, and another attempt to knock men down, white men, and eradicate white male culture.

When they wanted to make a female Columbo, they produced Mrs. Columbo. They didn’t suddenly announce that Columbo will now be a woman. Or black. But they had some sense 30 years ago. There was no SJW agenda.

The message I get, today,  is that the producers just don’t think they can make money writing a new script for a black guy or a white woman without co-opting the accomplishments of a white guy. And they just figure it’s a twofer. They may make money, and white men are deemed unnecessary, and they virtue signal to the left.

It sort of like socialism and communism.

They take over a capitalist society, with its infrastructure and wealth, and then have the audacity to stand there, arms raised in jubilation, and say, “look what socialism built!”

You built nothing, jerkos.

ht/ illustr8r



62 Comments on Octopenis

  1. “The James Bond producer, Barbara Broccoli, says the new James Bond can very well be a woman. Or maybe a black guy.”

    Very true. Just don’t plan on making any money with that BULL SHIT bitch. Please do it.

  2. How about Jamie Bond, a trans character. Spends a lot of time in gay bars drinking Skyfall martini’s and using Q’s gadgets to try and pick up dates. Unfortunately, the vegan and soy based diet doesn’t afford for much muscle mass and ends up getting ass kick by SPECTRE.

  3. I could handle Bond being a black guy, unless the movie is filled with racial bullshit. Fuck that if that’s the case. If Bond is made a woman, then they better have a plot change based on what women are good at, otherwise, it will just be a big pile of PC shit and nobody will want to see it.

  4. The Carribean is the local for a lot of Bond stories, so a black actor playing James Bond would make some sense and could be interesting – so long as the producers don’t turn him into Shaft or try to make some sort of political statement. The different actors who played Bond usually brought something different to the role anyway.

    But Jane Bond? Make her a cold-blooded assassin (that’s how Fleming wrote the character), and maybe it would work, but then they would be changing the film character people have come to know.

  5. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    What the fuck are you speaken about? James Bond is MI 6. A 99.9999 percent chance of being Lilly white. If some one thinks I have a penitence to pay because I’m white, come see me.

  6. I could be the only 60 year old guy that has never watched a Bond movie. With that being said, I would be pissed off if “Bond, James Bond” was anything other than a calm, cool, masculine, white guy.

  7. didn’t go to any Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, George Lazenby, Timothy Dalton or David Niven James Bond movies
    went to all of the Sean Connery & Daniel Craig James Bond movies

    … jus’ sayin’

  8. Here’s the deal Hollywood. I saw superman as Christopher Reeves back in the 70’s and was not impressed. Yet you place all these superhero movies out that I will NEVER see. Also the Tolkien movies, I’m not into fantasy worlds, sorry. I want reality. I want Today’s reality and placed in a drama. Not a fantasy, Not Science Fiction, but reality! Read, a movie like “Gran Torino”.

  9. I was interested in seeing how the Dark Tower movie was reviewed when it came out a few months ago. I didn’t necessarily mind that they cast Idris Elba as the gunslinger, but as a big fan of the books I didn’t want to bother if the movie didn’t live up to them. Well I don’t know whether they chose to cast him because he’s black, or whether that was perhaps part of the reason, but it was totally miscast. He played the cool character rather than a flawed person on a desperate mission. At least from what I saw in the media – I have no plans to ever see it.
    I want the right person for the role. If a producer prioritizes selection of his star based on the color of his skin or because of his junk, my guess is that the production team feels that is a more important aspect than the lead’s actual acting talent. And I am not likely to go to a movie like that.

  10. Dr. Ho.
    From Russia With Collusion
    On Her Majesty’s Secret Cervix
    The Spy Who Male Gazed At Me

    This gets tiresome. So rock n roll culturally appropriated black music and now liberal white women and flavor of the month black guys like Idris Elba, who has approximately no range as an actor, is Jerome Bond?

    It’s their money. When it flops, that’s less they’ll be giving to Democrats.

  11. @ joe6pak
    My mother took me to see Sean Connery as Bond in a couple of the early features when I was but a lad. I have attempted to embrace the following Bonds, but usually seldom have they been risen to the quality as D. Craig. He makes it believable (if you will). If you have the opportunity, go back and watch the first televised Casino Royale, where Bond is AMERICAN! Fun stuff.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  12. Crackerbaby, I’m not against Bond movies, I’m just not a fan of movies. I’ve walked out of as many movies as I’ve seen. I still don’t know how Forrest Gump ended. It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Sean Connery being James Bond.

  13. LCD,

    Honestly, I don’t consider myself a racist. I have friends with big time tans. But James Bond, MI 6 has a 99.999 % chance of being white. why fuck with that? Do white people have any sacred territory left?

  14. @Bongopoof ~ the franchise played out w/ ‘Thunderball’ … basically a remake of ‘Dr. No’ … & invented the ‘secret villain lair’ w/ ‘You Only Live Twice’
    everything since that was gimmicks … until Craig’s back-to-basics ‘Casino Royale’

    now, we’re back to ‘secret villain lair’ w/ ‘Spectre’

  15. Spectre was the worst. So awful.

    Quantum of Solace is next. That was the PC bullshit movie. We think the bad guys are after evil oil, but in reality they are after blessed water straight from Gaia’s sweater meat. I mean aquifer.

    Casino Royale was the best. Skyfall was ok.

  16. Remember when they made the Human Torch black and tried to repackage the Fantastic 4 with that? I never saw that movie, and the reviews were all horrible anyway.

    How about the ALL FEMALE Ghostbusters? How did that one work out?

    Go make your own culture minorities! Don’t you people have a creative bone in your body?

  17. It doesn’t matter. Eggsy > Bond. There, I said it. Eggsy stole James Bonds mojo. Jimmy forgot how to have fun. Eggsy never lets us forget we’re watching a kick ass movie.

    I mean, it’s just a movie, right? Why take it so seriously.

  18. I read all of Ian Fleming’s books and watched all Bond movies that Sean Connery played in. No others. “From Russia with Love” was the best, both book and movie. But that’s just me. I think that Bond played by a black or a woman would defeat Fleming’s intent to create and English Superman to build British morale after WW11.
    Todays audiences wouldn’t have a clue about that and would probably
    accept a transgender, a homosexual, a black, a woman, or even a midget, as Bond. No thanks.

  19. …… the fudge? Is this…. is thing on? Eggsy. From Kingsmen. The movie…. they’ve already made two of them….. English spy… cool gadgets… stuff blows up?


  20. My all time favorite James Bond movie is still From Russia With Love. And what’s wrong with On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, it was a good James Bond if there was other reason than having Diana Rigg (I think she was the hottest James Bond babe ever) who after she marries James Bond was killed By Blofeld played Telly Savalas. And as dumb as Diamonds Are Forever (not quite as bas any of the cartoonish Roger Moore Bond movies especially the one with the flying AMC Hornet and the blaxploitation one from the early 70’s with all the voodoo in it) was you can’t help but laugh when James Bond killed the 2 queers by strapping a bomb to them and throwing them over the side of the ship.

  21. I’ve been a lifelong fan of James Bond movies. The “Everything Or Nothing” documentary about the Bond producers had Barbara Broccoli and her stepbrother Michael Wilson in it.

    Over the years I’ve read several disillusioning Bond-related interviews that disgusted me.
    *Michael Wilson bitched about the boredom of Making bond films and running out of ideas.(fuck you. You lucked into the easiest money making pussy grabbing gig on the planet)
    *Roger Moore whined about how he was anti-gun and hated icky guns in the Bond films. (Fuck you. You lucked into the most pussy grabbing gig on the planet. And you needed a fucking walker in View to a kill, you has-been geriatric)
    *Daniel Craig whinged right before the release of SPECTRE that he felt pigeonholed and limited in his role. (Fuck you. You lucked into the best pussy grabbing lucrative role on the planet)
    * Pearce Brosnan bitched that that the Bond producers dumped himafter only four movies. (Fuck you. You lucked into the best pussy grabbing gig in the solar system. And you blew out an o-ring in your goddam knee merely by sliding across the hood of a hovrrcar. And by the fourth film you were so old and wrinkled thatyour forehead looked like an elephant’s 🐘kneecap. Go collect your disability cheque and STFU)

  22. @Moe Tom: You are spot on – Sean Connery IS James Bond, period. And From Russia With Love was the last Bond movie with a good plot that didn’t include a bunch of distracting high tech gadgets. I also consider it to be the best. Of course my opinion may also be influenced by the presence of Daniela Bianchi as Tatiana Romanova. I wish I could have been Romanova her bod, that’s for sure.


  23. ….*Barbara Broccolli yet again hinting that James Bond could be played by a woman or a black guy? (Fuck you. You fell backwards into a billion dollar pile of money in the easiest most lucrative pussy grabbing job in this arm of the Galaxy. Stop fucking with my Bond movies, make one about evil Chinks or Venezuelans or Cubans or Russians or NoKos or Democrats. Then make me a Dagwood sandwich, blow me, swallow and STFU)

  24. @Maj General, Brosnan also bitched about the scripts. As if he has, or had deep impressive acting in his bones.

    Of course, the makers of the new Bond movies can’t just add some badass characters to work with Bond who are black or female and keep them in subsequent films. They put good characters in MI 6 and then you don’t see them again. They’re like P Diddy with the NFL. It’s not right unless it’s taken over and dominated by political correctness and the new popular bigotry of color and gender.
    Ralph Fiennes was a cool “M”.
    More of that please.

  25. Why does someone take a proven successful series of movies and drastically change the format and expect the productions to be successful? This theory is simply economic suicide. They’re finally going to kill Bond.

  26. yo Broccoli. Here’s a story idea for you.

    The Evil Chink Gummint uses their environment-damaging militarized artificial islands in the south china Sea to threaten the worlds shipping & trade. James Bond gets shot out of a British submarine’s torpedo tube, slapping limpet mines to the hulls of Chink warships then wading ashore in a wetsuit to kill guards and blow up shit.

    Works for me.

  27. Here’s another one: Evil Socialists overthrow the legal gummint of Guatemala and they proceed to run it into the ground, like all Socialists do. To distract the Guatemalan people, the gummint stages an invasion of the UK’s former colony the British Honduras (Belize). James Bond gets shot out of a British submarine’s torpedo tube and wades ashore in a wetsuit, killing Socialist guards and blowing up shit. At the end of the movie, Bond is seen grabbing the pussies of several women on the island of Ambergris Caye, guzzling fucking shaken Vodka Martinis, not that Kina Lillet faggot shit.

    Works for me.

  28. /serious – Broccoli and Wilson could easily have a female as the Bond villain, heading up a huge many-tentacled crime or terror syndicate. Stop bitching about Bond, put down your opioids, put your thinking caps on and write a fucking goddam BOND movie full of gadgets and guns and girls.

    Jesus H Christ, do I have to do everything around here?????

  29. Disagree on the Saint. If you saw the early b&w ones, Moore was quite good. He made the role his own, largely because he wasn’t trying to make people forget somebody else.

    Probably the best work he ever did

  30. We went, some buddies and I from my squadron to The Bottoms Up Club in Hong Kong when we were there in 1974 for a port visit where they had filmed a scene from The Man With The Golden Gun. That’s about as close as I ever got to anything to do with a movie. And since it’s been so long ago I don’t even remember much about that bar except that we went there.

  31. When the left turned Alexander Hamilton and the early patriots black,
    there are no rules. Revisionism of reality is even worse than revisionism of pop culture.

    I’m waiting for the biopic of John, Paul, George and LaShonda.

  32. Making Bond black wouldn’t be bad in and of itself, but doing so would only be in the context of a larger embrace of PC. A female Bond would be hijack of the brand the to sell a different product. The Bond producer have always, at least so far, appreciated the importance of their formula and audience expectations to their franchise.

    I’ve always loved Bond movies. Which movie/Bond I like better varies with time and mood, but they all have mindless escapism in common. Anybody remember entertainment?

    I won’t go to a movie if I expect to be lectured to, and a gratuitously – there are plenty of good white male actors – black, female, whatever “James” Bond would send that message loud and clear.

    Go ahead, call me racist, misogynist, whatever. Fine, but I still won’t watch. Browbeating won’t make me watch, any more than it makes me turn on NFL games.

  33. Perhaps Barbara slept through 2017?
    Perhaps she missed the Trump train?
    Perhaps she missed all the blacks wishing death upon all us whites?
    Perhaps this ignorant bitch feels she actually has a right to disgrace Ian Fleming?

    Hey Barbara, white folk are SICK TO DEATH of blacks and all the baggage that come with them.
    Call me a racist if you must but I have had my fill of blacks bitching and whining.

    PS, Bond is white, period. End of discussion.

  34. Bond movies now cost 150 to 200 million bucks to make. Bond is an icon, a white male icon and if the producers change that that will destroy the franchise. Even the millenial assholes today wouldn’t identify with a female or black Bond and regardless of reviews most of the current fanbase would simply not go, allowing the race baiters to call us all racists. Doesn’t matter, the movie would lose millions and likely force the rights to be sold to someone who wanted to take a chance and take it back to it’s roots. Barbara Brocolli is unlikely to take the chance to be known as the woman who killed her fathers legendary movie series to be politically correct.

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