Odd Couples – IOTW Report

Odd Couples

The Bidens visited the Carters on Thursday and posed for one of the strangest pictures in presidential history. Here

22 Comments on Odd Couples

  1. I always knew Jotater was a frail old bastard suffering with all kinds of mental disorders that plague him from completing a sentence, but never suspected acromegaly.

    In any event, all 4 of these America hating pricks can lick my hairy balls.

  2. Something is seriously whack with this photo.

    Let’s say the Carters are actually that tiny compared to the Bidens.

    Then why are Jimmy’s feet/shoes larger than Joe’s?

    Something ain’t right here.

  3. Joe getting directions.
    Jimmy- and next you hike up the interest rate to 23% and don’t forget the fuel prices, and yeah even and odd days for drivers, you can tell them it’s because of the Chi flu thing.

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