Odd Criticism of Trump From Bill Gates – IOTW Report

Odd Criticism of Trump From Bill Gates

The billionaire who can’t seem to find a decent tailor, and has worse hair than Trump, said that the president doesn’t know the difference between HIV and HPV. 

(Bill Clinton definitely does.)

Gates claims on TWO different occasions Trump asked him if there is a difference between the two viruses. (I find that a little implausible that this would come up 2 times. Trump is not mentally retarded.)

This crapola was revealed in an MSNBC interview that eggs on such things. If someone went on MSNBC and said that Obama doesn’t know the difference between advise and advice, or corpsman and corpseman, the interview would be terminated.

These idiotic anecdotes, as the country gets measurably better and better, only serve to ensure that Trump wins a second term.

ht/ illustr8r

22 Comments on Odd Criticism of Trump From Bill Gates

  1. You notice how the Left has to keep telling us how intelligent their people are? Because it isn’t apparent – nor do they ever provide proof.
    Slick Willy was clearly intelligent, but boy did he make some dumb choices!

  2. This is the guy that brought us Common core that has crippled our kids. (and cost us lots of money) He is so smart, let’s give him more money, like he or his foundation need it.
    He can not leave us alone soon enough. All he wants to do is inflict his own way of the world on us. He was or never will be elected. A True leftist, right up there with Bezos.

  3. I Bet it happened 1 time; since Trump doesn’t have either disease, he went right to a source he knew had both for the detailed explanation. Billie realized he needed to cover it up so he lied about the second time.

  4. Hey, remember when Trump asked THREE TIMES why we can’t use nukes?

    “On 3 August 2016 MSNBC host Joe Scarborough shared an anecdote about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump that captured the attention of the political news cycle, asserting that the candidate had asked three times during a foreign policy briefing about the possibility of employing nuclear weapons:”

    Get it? Trump is either so dumb, he can’t even remember the brilliant answer to his dumb question, or he’s so bossy and arrogant that he expects the answer to change to one he likes when he asks again. Nice use of the Scarborough Template, Gates.

  5. The success of Bill Gates is that he had better lawyers than the cheap greedy Steve Jobs. Jobs was only visionary in a vision problem. Apple was only Woz, which Jobs screwed just as he did every one else. This is just more made-up trash 30 years later cuz some worthless asshole wants a paycheck.

  6. Gates is a bona fide weirdo. He “raised” an entire generation (or two) of employees who all believed being weird was the same thing as being wise.

  7. This is bullshit Gates is spreading around because he can’t stand the fact that Trump had the stuff to get elected POTUS, something that prick Gates could never pull off in a million years.

  8. Bill Gate’s the creator of Windblows (pay me a hundred bucks so i can spy on you). Do yourself a favor and install a Linux distro. I would recommend Peppermintos!

  9. I think he should be spending his time fixing all the bugs in Windows 10 rather than criticizing Trump. God knows there are plenty to fix, like why won’t it remember window size?


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