Odd Keith Ellison Hot Take- Going To Prisons To Spread the Gospel Turns Prisoners Away From Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Odd Keith Ellison Hot Take- Going To Prisons To Spread the Gospel Turns Prisoners Away From Democrat Party

This is an astonishing admission. Ellison says that votes in Minnesota aren’t as secure for the democrats as they used to be because the gospel is being spread in the prisons.

So the takeaway here is that the Bible does not breed democrats, it breeds republicans.


8 Comments on Odd Keith Ellison Hot Take- Going To Prisons To Spread the Gospel Turns Prisoners Away From Democrat Party

  1. Ellison says, “Republicans go into prisons to minister.”
    What he really means is that Evangelical ministers that have a prison ministry teach the Bible in prisons. Most just also happen to be conservative. It is a Bible Ministry not a republican Ministry.

  2. I don’t believe a word he says. He wants the morons in Minnesota to believe that prisoners are being exposed to the Bible and the 10 Commandments, when the reality is they are learning the koran and the religion of hate. Taqiyya anyone?

  3. Can I assume then that the koran, by reverse logic, BREEDS Democrats?

    Did he just prove a point we have been thinking?

    Just wonderin’?



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