Odd Looking Gay Guy Says Mateen Killed For Revenge Against Puerto Ricans – IOTW Report

Odd Looking Gay Guy Says Mateen Killed For Revenge Against Puerto Ricans

The strange looking dude says he met Mateen on Grindr, a gay dating app, and they were “friends with benefits,” and Mateen was “100% gay.” He said he enjoyed “being cuddled.” (I just threw up a little.)

The dude says “he’s not a terrorist.” He murdered 49 people because he thought he got AIDS by some Spanish homo. It was a revenge shooting.

Not sure I’m buying it.

All that ISIS stuff that he called 911 about was just to throw everyone off. Right? Wrong.

He is just another Muslim who is twisted by Islam. You can sort the guy’s thinking and reasoning out on your own time. Fact is, a Muslim slaughtered 49 people in the name of Allah.

I read the transcripts.


21 Comments on Odd Looking Gay Guy Says Mateen Killed For Revenge Against Puerto Ricans

  1. I read an article today (I’ll try to find it later) that stated emphatically that the FL terrorist was connected to the guy arrested in CA the next day and another guy who was supposed to be there to meet the guy in CA (who just disappeared) and someone named “Brandy” as well as a 5th person (in addition to the FL terrorist’s wife). They are all connected by CIA. Wild.

    Is this guy nuts? Who knows anymore.

  2. Don’t buy any of this. True or not, they’re trying to play up any possible homosexuality in order to downplay his Islam. This proves beyond any doubt that Muslims have now trumped expendable sodomites in usefulness to the Left. Which is also a clue as to how serious the Left thinks things may get. Batten down.

  3. Yeah, right. A guy who “likes to cuddle” is really gonna pick up a rifle and shoot more than 100 people?

    And, @AbigailAdams, “nuts” is going to have to wait for later. Right now I’m trying to figure out if it’s male or female. As ugly a specimen of humanity as it is, I discern a certain feminine vibe around the eyes. If it shaved the mustache and grew out the hair, it would look like Tony Curtis in “Some Like It Hot.”

  4. I read that Omar had bought airline tickets to San Francisco for himself, his pig wife, and pig son.
    The travel date was the day after the shooting.
    He wanted body armor, thinking he would get away with killing.

    I am not buying the gay angle either.
    He was all-in for Islam all his life.
    He hated gays and took pleasure in that hate, and he took pleasure in their murder.

    Any LGBT that trusts Obama is just a goddamn ignorant fool.

  5. He cased other places also, like Disneyworld.
    As is typical of these cowards, he chose the softest target.
    None of his statements even hint that he chose that place because there were gays there.
    He did it because it is what the pedophile he worshiped demanded of him.

  6. Disguised to resemble Geraldo Rivera was part of the interview deal. The interview was in Spanish, I think his voice sounded distorted too. While this whole gay angle looks like a diversion from the radical Islam aspect. Gay or not, Omar Mateen was still a terrorist.

  7. Another reason why this flake looks creepy – it’s his hair. He’s wearing a rug on top of his head. I heard a few words out of his mouth on the news, his voice is creepy too. I’m sick of lying SOBs!

  8. I am sooo sick of hearing this crap..
    So, here are a few tasteless jokes instead..
    A Muslim walks into a gay bar and says “Shots for everyone!”
    They got banged pretty hard.
    They wanted cumshots but all they got were gunshots.
    They should rename “Pulse” to “Flat-line”.
    You know, most YouTube gun demonstrations involve watermelons. So, why is shooting fruits such a big deal?

  9. He’s wearing a mask, after being grotesquely disfigured in an accident where Omar shot a bucket of Tannerite® off his head in a lost bet from a dispute about a goat. Those fun-loving Moslems sure know how to have a good time, but they hold grudges forever.

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