Odd Take: Black woman says white women are raising rapists, racists and killers – IOTW Report

Odd Take: Black woman says white women are raising rapists, racists and killers

She’s been fired.

HT/ Bubba


A nurse at one of the largest hospital systems in the nation who sparked an internal investigation after posting a controversial tweet reportedly “is no longer an employee” at Indiana University Health.

Taiyesha Baker, a nurse at the hospital, allegedly posted a tweet Friday under the account “Night Nurse,” saying that white women are raising sons who are “rapists,” “racists” and “killers.”

“Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star. Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves b___,” the tweet read.\

An IU Health spokesperson confirmed after the post was discovered that Baker is a registered nurse, but declined to reveal the hospital where she is currently employed.

“IU Health is aware of several troubling posts on social media which appear to be from a recently hired IU Health employee,” the hospital said in a statement. “Our HR department continues to investigate the situation and the authenticity of the posts. During the investigation, that employee (who does not work at Riley Hospital for Children) will have no access to patient care.”

26 Comments on Odd Take: Black woman says white women are raising rapists, racists and killers

  1. Black on White rape is 8 to 1
    and 57% of ALL violent crime
    is committed by black people and
    black people are 12%-13% of our Pop.
    Someone needs to tell her.MSNBC will get
    right on it…

  2. I’m sure that is the prevailing attitude in her sista hood.
    Thats just what you want during a stay in the hospital, someone like her in the room taking your temperature while picking her nose.

  3. I haven’t followed this closely, but
    ” During the investigation, that employee (who does not work at Riley Hospital for Children) will have no access to patient care.”
    DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN she was fired.
    As in many other situations, the person was “promoted out of the way.”

  4. If not for Affirmative Action, pressure on white instructors to pass black students, and pressure on employers to hire blacks, someone with a name like Taiyesha wouldn’t even be considered for entry level jobs in restaurants. Is she came into my hospital room, I’d get the hell outta there.

  5. ‘Taiyesha’ That’s everything I need to know. My theory? Saddle a child with one of these odd crack-party-induced-names,they take on a life of rage. (See Quanisha, Latoynisha, Linoleum, Kaffir-nig or Spamisha)

  6. It would be great if someone would pay her a visit and take from her the fruits of all the evil, white men she rails against. Twitter–gone. Her cell-phone. Her car (internal combustion engine). Laptop. Desktop. I suspect the hospital where she worked was financed by an evil, white man. Turn off the electricity and shut down her indoor plumbing. Take her land-line, too.

  7. “Black on White rape is 8 to 1 and 57% of ALL violent crime is committed by black people and black people are 12%-13% of our Pop.” – Radioman
    To put a finer point on it:
    Black males, 6% of population, commit the majority of the violent crimes, at any time 2.5 percent of black males are incarcerated.
    Who says blacks are underachievers?
    Know where the safest place from violent crime in the world is, Iceland.

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