Odd Take: Schumer Says the Right is “Picking On” China – IOTW Report

Odd Take: Schumer Says the Right is “Picking On” China

hmmmmmmm. China shouldn’t be “picked on”?

28 Comments on Odd Take: Schumer Says the Right is “Picking On” China

  1. Nothing new here. Progressives stuck by HITLER until Operation Barbarossa. And did so with complete knowledge of what their ideological allies were up to.

    If you haven’t watched The Soviet Story yet, you must watch it in order to get a clear understanding of the progressive movement and how they have always been invested in genocidal regimes as they rose in stature and consolidated power.

    It never ends with them even as evidence comes out that innocent human beings are being slaughtered wholesale. By the way, that evidence is NEVER news to them, they knew the score all along.

  2. The link I provided above is important that you watch not so much as the Soviet Story as it is the story of the western progressive movement and why it is important to NEVER AGAIN concede “good intentions” to them. Good intentions is a trap that you must avoid and this gives you the chapter and verse to explain to anyone who should question you exactly why that is.

    Short clip of Glen Beck discussing The Soviet Story https://youtu.be/sJai1x4paMk

    Ok I am not a Glen Beck fan, but when he got it right, he does a great job.

  3. If your listening to, or paying attention to or voting for, chumpy schumer your part of the problem. He’s not in any way an Americans friend. Friend and supporter of Chinese or enemy yes that’s him. Bad mouth America, that’s schumer.

  4. Anonymous Erik
    MAY 18, 2020 AT 12:10 PM
    “Too bad china didn’t get your sorry ass, schumer! But there is hope yet, you fucking scumbag.”

    …can you IMAGINE the State funeral they’d insist on, the celebrities, the lefties lined up behind the corpse so they can safely yet again attack the President and call him evil for disrespecting a corpse it he returns fire? Imagine the ceremonies, the songs, the ecumenical lesbian transsexual “priest” pretending he was in any way a Christian? The oaths to avenge his death on Orange Man Bad because Corona was ALL HIS FAULT? Democrats at all levels draping things in black, including his empty Senate chair? The resolution on what a GREAT, GREAT man he was? The calls for his (ulp!) widow to get his seat? All judge conformations blocked indefinitely “in his honor”?

    Them calling THAT scum, “honorable”?!? OVER AND OVER AGAIN???!?

    Think “Songbird” McCain x 10.

    …it might be worth it to be forever rid of HIM, but satan has PLENTY more to serve in his place, so a game changer it would NOT be…

    …but the “Schumer In Hell” memes would be EXCELLENT…

  5. So, would Chucky accept us telling him to stop picking on President Trump?

    What’s that, you say, Chucky? Why, such bad language! Now, go wash your mouth out with soap!

  6. @Anonymous May 18, 2020 at 3:06 pm

    > And get your cotton-pickin’ hands off my wallet.

    How dare you, sir!? HOW DARE YOU!?

    Schmuckles is not the (sniff) type of person, to pick his own damn cotton.

  7. No one is tougher on China that Biden and Schumer. Just ask them.

    But if you want to do something about China then those tough guys say it’s a distraction from giving another $3,000,000,000,000.00 we don’t have in welfare to colleges, AntiFa, newspapers, layabouts, Nigerian scammers, Chicom bioweapons labs, disaffected professional students, artisanal pickle stores, etc.


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