Odummy – “Men Should Get Over Their Sexism and Elect Hillary” – IOTW Report

Odummy – “Men Should Get Over Their Sexism and Elect Hillary”

“[T]here’s a reason why we haven’t had a woman president before…” – Obama


Yeah. YOU!!!!!!  You did everything you could to defeat her in the primary in 2008, you damn sexist.

Now shut up and go get Bill a cup of coffee.


Story HERE


43 Comments on Odummy – “Men Should Get Over Their Sexism and Elect Hillary”

  1. Men aren’t the sexists. Its Hillary that is sexist. Men want nothing to do with her narrow mind. There was a post on reddit yesterday titled “Hillary Clinton will be a sexist president if elected”. It had links to her own presidential website showing she has never done anything for men. She sees herself only representing women. Why should men vote for such a sexist pig??

  2. These are not winning arguments. They are desperate, angry attacks on voters.
    All they seem to have left is threats, lies, and attacks – exactly what most people are looking to leave behind.

  3. Is there any reason to vote for Hillary beyond she’s a woman or by voting for her it proves that you aren’t sexist to an elite bunch of progressives?

    BTW Saw 2 Trump signs today while out running errands and they WERE NOT in the hinterlands of Western WA state…high five! 🙂

  4. Yeah right. Eight years ago if we didn’t vote for the half Black guy we were all racists!
    Using that kind of lame, Liberal, dumb-ass logic we wound up with eight years of a “God-Damn-America”-hating, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, backstabbing, stone-walling, wildly spending, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace Prize-Stealing, monument-Barrycading, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, scrawny, little sheet grabbing, pillow biting, POS Communist Organizing, phoney-baloney plastic-banana republic Marxist Muzlim Mallard asshole weakening America any way possible!
    Listening to pResident Rainbow Golfcart we’ll get a dishonest, lying, rotten, corrupt, sick, old, nasty, vile, ugly, shameless, manipulative, foul, anti-semetic, Alinsky-loving, Third-World Commie Crook who can’t even wash her Weiner!

  5. It’s like this, Barky. I really couldn’t care any less what sex the president of the US is. Male, female, hermaphrodite, neuter, giblet gravy, it doesn’t matter. What matters is how that person looks at the relationship between the govt and us ordinary individuals out here.

    Just for the record, both you and Death-eyes FAIL FAIL FAIL!

  6. Apparently Obobo didn’t get the memo. America is DONE with voting a President into office because of skin half/color, sex organs , gender, race or whatever else the lame left can think up. TRUMP stands so far ahead of any in the field, and always has since the Primary days. So Barky Obobo, stuff it, you twit. No one gives a flying f**k what you think biatche’! You may wanna book a seat on the Lolita Express heading for Qatar. They will shove you out the door over Kenya.

  7. Why would this argument sway any voters? Males who are worried about someone who had never met them calling them sexist are already likely liberals and Hillary voters. People who will vote for Hillary just because she is a woman are already in the Hillary camp.

    Logical people will vote for the better candidate regardless of race or gender. In the Republican primaries, the candidates consisted of a woman, a black man, two guys of Cuban descent, and an Indian fellow. In the end, the Republicans chose someone who was not a member of the political class, but the fact remains that a wide spectrum of candidates ran and were considered.

    The “progressive” Democrats, on the other hand, had a choice between a ruthless and corrupt white woman who has been angling for the White House for over 20 years and whose husband was a former President of the United States. Using liberal logic, this election cycle the Democrats were racist (no minority candidates) as well as sexist (lots of Democrats voted for Hillary only because she was female).

    Many people, including a large number of Republicans, have concerns about Donald Trump. But they will vote for Trump not because he is a man, but because he has no pattern of corruption and lying like Hillary and Bill Clinton.




  9. The country elected a Black President and all we heard about for the past eight years is nothing but “Racism”
    Have we not learned our lesson?
    The lesson of stop the finger-pointing, whining and belly-aching, stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own actions. Any asshole can alway find a reason to blame someone else! Stop blaming White people for everything! That doesn’t take any talent! It just makes you look foolish.
    The same thing applies to women, gays, muzlims and any other group trying to gain an advantage by using Political Correctness to get ahead instead of working for it.

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