Of Course Hillary Screwed Sanders Out of the Nomination- She Was the Victim of Obama’s Larceny – IOTW Report

Of Course Hillary Screwed Sanders Out of the Nomination- She Was the Victim of Obama’s Larceny


Like the revelations of Harvey Weinstein’s abuses, one big dog gets punished, while the even bigger dog – Bill Clinton for sexual abuse, Barack Obama for political abuse – remains untouchable.

documentary by Hillary supporters on Obama’s cheating and abuse was reported on Fox & Friends only in 2010; at the time of the election, no one would cover their complaints. Read about it here.

In one documentary interview, civil rights activist Helene Latimer recounts seeing an elderly woman being intimidated at the polls. “As she approached the entrance way to go into the building, one of the young men said to her, ‘If you’re not voting for Obama, go home because you’re not voting here today.'”

“It’s our right as Americans to be able to vote and everybody was alerted, we went to press, we went to Fox, we went to CNN, nobody wanted to hear the story (in 2008),” Gaston told Fox’s Alisyn Camerota. “Nobody wants to deal with this.”

From “How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination”:

… the Obama Campaign… encouraged and created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote.

Political junkies will recall that Obama gained crucial momentum after his surprise win of the Iowa primary.  He won in Iowa by breaking the law and busing in supporters to vote.  Everyone in Iowa could see it with their own eyes – and that includes the entire national press corps.

Dr. Long spent several months studying the caucus and primary results, published here.

“After studying the procedures and results from all 14 caucus states… my conclusion is that the Obama campaign willfully and intentionally defrauded the American public by systematically undermining the caucus process,” she said.

Read more:

ht/ nm

8 Comments on Of Course Hillary Screwed Sanders Out of the Nomination- She Was the Victim of Obama’s Larceny

  1. This thug has been defrauding America his entire career. Start with his birth certificate and move through his college records, supposed editorship of the Harvard law review.

    Everything about this guys SCREAMS fraud.

  2. O’Bama was part of screwing ” inevitable ” Hillary in April 2008.
    But it was Gyorgy Schwantz who calls himself George Soros who made it happen and paid for it.

    ALL the smelly democrats are connected to foreign intervention in USA elections but none are being investigated for such interference as well as the obvious election fraud they promulgate through unrequired ID or registration to vote in the areas controlled by them.

    Richard Daley never attempted or even dreamed of such fraud !

  3. Simply put, B Hussein Obama was never born in the United States. He was born in Kenya to a Moslem Socialist father. His alleged “citizenship” was further invalidated when his skanky ho of a mother married an Indonesian Moslem and she moved there and took up Indonesian citizenship and for her son too.

    He was the Manchurian Candidate and the Mainstream media all knew it, still know it and are forever guilty of treasonously fucking over our nation. FUCK YOU tv, newspaper, magazine and radio

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