Of Course We Have a State-Run Media – IOTW Report

Of Course We Have a State-Run Media

HT/ Lurker


We are all familiar with the term “State Run Media” as it pertains to several foreign countries.  However, the U.S. State Dept specifically saw the need for a similar communication control mechanism when the era of cable television originated.

Prior to cable television, the alphabets ABC, CBS and NBC were the dominant force in media.  This made the information control essentially simple for the various U.S. government interests to manipulate.  However, when cable television became popular, a more official control shift was needed. The result was CNN and CNNi.

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6 Comments on Of Course We Have a State-Run Media

  1. Example of MSM programing, local letter to the editor.
    Will the First Amendment to the Constitution, which, in part,
    protects free speech and was meant to protect our democracy,
    end up contributing to democracy’s downfall instead?
    We used to expect our elected officials to tell us the truth
    at least for the most part. Now we have a past president who
    is still claiming the election that he lost in 2020 was stolen.
    Some republican members of Congress have told the same lie
    repeatedly. Fox News, OAN and others lie all day long to their
    It has been proven over and over again that the election was
    not stolen, but if people only listen to the far-right news, they
    never hear the truth and see the evidence. For the most part,
    the rest of our Republican lawmakers stay silent, even though
    they acknowledge the truth in private. They are afraid of being
    primaried by Trump supporters and arc putting their jobs and
    party ahead of country and the people who put their trust in
    them. That makes them no better than the ones spreading, “the
    big lie.”
    These lies have divided our country and that leaves us
    vulnerable. Russia, North Korea. China, Iran and all of the
    countries who hate America and democracy are watching
    gleefully. Israel was just attacked by terrorists and they missed
    any warning signs partly because they are divided and, there-
    fore, distracted. The people have been protesting the changes
    their prime minister wants to make to their court system which
    would give him more power. The people sec it as an assault on
    their democracy.
    If only we were so aware of what is going on here. One Re-
    publican Senator is holding up military appointments because
    he thinks he should be making the abortion policy concerning
    soldiers, not the Pentagon, even though it is weakening our
    military readiness.
    One far-right Republican in the House decided Speaker Kev-in McCarthy did not follow his instructions and now he House
    can’t function until they get a new Speaker. It took 15 votes to
    elect McCarthy. We need them to govern now! Our Congress is
    on vacation at perhaps the weakest time in our political history.
    Even if we aren’t in danger from outside forces right now,
    and I certainly hope we are not, we are definitely in danger of
    losing our democracy from some far-right crazies within. We
    should learn from Israel and open our eyes to the dangers here in
    this country and stop taking our democracy for granted.

  2. Dems are like a rubber band they stretch a long way before they break. It always looks like we’re preaching to our own choir, but the thing is, besides us, the dems often listen to our choir, too. Then they break and they’re ours. Lately, I think I hear more bands breaking. Your mileage on that might vary.

  3. Lurker, Cmn¢¢guy does not believe any of that pap. He is merely relaying what some NPC put into a screed. It’s pitch-perfect propaganda playback, right down to the “our democracy” at the very end.

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