Officer Facing Life in Prison for Shooting Into Fleeing Car – IOTW Report

Officer Facing Life in Prison for Shooting Into Fleeing Car

During a traffic stop an officer saw a gun and the car took off. During attempts to box the car in the passenger pointed his gun at an officer. During another attempt to box the car in an officer shoot into the car, killing the driver.

Strangely, he’s facing life in prison.

23 Comments on Officer Facing Life in Prison for Shooting Into Fleeing Car

  1. There are 2 equally stupid people on the street:

    1. In-bred mischief-makers who make horrible decisions, and make life miserable for everyone.

    2. Those who graduated from the police academy and community college. They are absolutely not our best and brightest, poorly trained, and protect and defend the interests of the state over the people as armed collection agents for the city when not doing the .0001% of catching murderers and car thieves.

    I feel sorry for neither one of them, as they BOTH have the option to quit being a trouble-maker and do something more productive. When they meet, it’s always a disaster.

  2. Just exactly what did the cop do wrong? The rats were fleeing the police while brandishing a handgun at a traffic stop. I suppose the cop should have to take a round before he’s clear to fire?
    These hoodlums were completely uncooperative and acting very suspicious.
    I would have judged the punks behavior as extremely dangerous at that point and acted accordingly.
    Am I missing something?

  3. “Shooting into a fleeing car”
    The situation was entirely different than some nervous teen or housewife panicking and using poor judgement by driving off from the stop. These were dangerous looking and acting thugs. It’s split second decisions that decide your life.

  4. 60 years ago, EVERY police chief in America would’ve given the officer a medal & a promotion…

    I wasn’t even around then, and I miss THOSE days…

  5. There are a bunch of scumbag criminals out there on the street that need to be shot and nobody is shooting them.

    The prosecution of this officer will only increase this problem.

  6. This is what happens when you do NOT obey your overlords when they ORDER you to do something and let them see a firearm while disobeying them.

    It may suck, but it is the system we have so you either comply or die, your choice. It matters not one whit if you are black, white, gay, straight, rich or poor, you do what these two morons did and you will suffer them same or worse fate as they did.

    That is a truth of living in america that most do not want to believe is possible until it happens to them personally, and at that point it is too late.

    What is so goddamn hard about saying “yes officer, I will comply with your orders”?

    If they do you wrong then you can go after them for it once it is all said and done in a legal way. It may NOT be as satisfying, but at least you will still have your life and maybe even your freedom!

  7. I’d have shot the POS on the first stop! It’s called DUE PROCESS!

    “Half-Assed Patriot strikes again. (AKA Mithrandir)” Should put on a badge and gun and get his/her ass on the street and deal with this scum and see how long it takes to change his/her mind!

  8. Justin Case JUNE 9, 2019 AT 11:10 AM


    Year to Date
    Shot & Killed: 199
    Shot & Wounded: 853
    Total Shot: 1052
    Total Homicides: 219

    Anyone want to sign up?

  9. I just returned from France. I was exposed to US law enforcement on coming and going. The TSA acted in their usual idiotic method, hassling a 70 year old blond Methodist like he is a known terrorist, me. They really think they provide security. Then Customs. They are true jerks, why? You don’t see this attitude in any other country. Then there are our beloved cops, again always acting like jerks and can’t wait to deal out physical harm. I have worked with these people, been shot at the whole but and can tell you our cops are bad and excessively prone to harming. On entering the US there was a Customs agent standing in the main area with an automatic weapon in DFW airport. If he had used the weapon, he would have killed or h armed many innocent people. We have an authority problem in the US. Just being a cop does not make you a hero. Sure their job may have some danget, but analysis shows this danger is not as high as you would think and much of it is self induced. This chase and shooting places many innocent people in danger and another means of handling the issue must be found.

  10. “This chase and shooting places many innocent people in danger and another means of handling the issue must be found.”

    What would you suggest david, give them a TIME OUT?

  11. France. You people deserve each other, cowardly Dave7134.

    “TSA” and “Customs” are not law enforcement; they are security guards. If you don’t like the power they wield, stop voting for Marxists.

    If you ran into “law enforcement,” I don’t reckon you’d like it a’tall.

  12. Man, nothing like a few posts about the police to bring out the cop bashers.

    21 year LEO. Been a patrol cop and currently a detective. Tough job. Always try to treat people with respect and dignity. Most are decent back. No issue or problems 90% of the time.

    Believe it or not, there are segments of society who DESPISE law and order. They hate it to their core. They will yell, curse, scream, rant, rave, say awful and despicable things about you, your wife, your kids, etc.

    And you take it. You do your job and remain polite and professional. Sometimes you throw verbal barbs back. Sometimes it’s not worth the write up to spar verbally with them.

    But sometimes they fight. Sometimes they pull weapons. Sometimes they try to hurt you. They try to kill you. And you deal with it. For years.

    You try to not take it out on anyone. You try to not internalize it and to not let it fester and build. But there are times it gets to you. You say something you shouldn’t. It costs you.

    But please, make an in the moment life or death decision when someone pulls a gun and tries to kill you and you get charged criminally?

    Yeah, it’s easy to say, “Don’t do that job then.” So easy to say when you haven’t been there…

    Sorry. Long rant. And I know some will disagree. Don’t worry. I’m a cop. I’m used to people calling me stupid names. I’ll just sit here quietly and take it….

  13. It’s never easy going to a funeral for a friend, especially a young friend, and especially if it’s because they wore a badge and took an oath to serve and protect! One is too many, several is much worse. I always hits a raw nerve with me when these cop hating assholes are the first to call for help when THEY feel threatened.


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