Officer Shelby Makes Bail on Manslaughter Charges – IOTW Report

Officer Shelby Makes Bail on Manslaughter Charges

The Tulsa officer who shot and killed Terrence Crutcher was booked on manslaughter charges yesterday and was released on $50,000 bail. Officer Betty Shelby faces 4 to life.

More charges against Shelby Here

More on the shooting being justifiable Here

10 Comments on Officer Shelby Makes Bail on Manslaughter Charges

  1. Baltimore, anyone? Officer Shelby was charged with manslaughter in an attempt to quell a riot. Any competent attorney could get her off, IF she waives a jury trial, and shops for a constitutional judge. She will be finished in law enforcement, however, which is too bad; the shooting was justified.

  2. Mixed feelings: Cops are forced into high risk situations that no civilian can understand but are supposed be trained to handle it.

    One of the first lessons in combat: There is no way they could’ve trained me for this shit!

  3. Glad to hear she is out, even if it is on bail. After watching/examing the video multiple times (focusing on different points each time, then again with and without audio), if I was on the jury I’d say not guilty.

  4. I feel sorry for her. I don’t think her life’s dream was to shoot random black men (unlike some, in Chicago, for example). But noble as she might have been her life is, now, ruined.

    Ruined: I suppose one might say that about women, young, who get raped and murdered and fed to alligators, also. ….Lady in Red

  5. So, you have a big ass nigga thug felon just out of prison, high on something won’t obey police commands and my be making a move for a weapon…and gets his worthless ass shot. Now the COP gets prosecuted because she could have been killed if she didn’t act? UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE! Won’t be long and you won’t be able to find ANYBODY who will do the job.

  6. Feel very bad for her and her husband who was in the helo. Nobody would get a guilty verdict out of me at her trial. That big tub of sh-t should have complied. Just how stupid do you have to be to keep moving when guns are on you. Candidate for darwin awards.

  7. The twin sister of the deceased said that Shelby shot her brother for racial reasons – which is pure bullshit.
    Maybe the judge will cut the cop some slack when he or she gets a taste of the family’s false accusations.
    Or maybe the judge will be a pro-BLM asshole recommended by the pro-BLM 0bama administration.

  8. If anybody is guilty it’s the democRATic administrations over the past five decades in this country that enabled that mindset of the typical black thug that they don’t need to obey the law because if challenged the police will be the one paying the price.

  9. Spoke with a Bud I’ve mine pretty high up in the Sac. Sherrifs department. First thing that he told me that made my jaw drop is that academies are basically teaching police cadets you need to wait until your shot at until you return fire. So I asked his thoughts on this shoot and he says she’s in big trouble. I’m not sure how he knows but says her written report did not match the available video. So after some questioning on my part he tells me these days cops are judged just like a private citizen or a ccw. There’s got to be eminent threat of bodily injury.

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