Officers On Horseback Led A Suspect Through The Streets By A Rope – IOTW Report

Officers On Horseback Led A Suspect Through The Streets By A Rope


27 Comments on Officers On Horseback Led A Suspect Through The Streets By A Rope

  1. They’ve probably done that same thing to white arrestee’s a hundred times without a peep out of anyone.
    The fact that he’s black gives the crazies all the symbolism they need to cry racism.

  2. OPTICS!

    Good lord, tell me why people aren’t self-aware by now. The police just don’t seem to have a little voice inside them that says, “You CAN do this, but SHOULD you? Better think about it buddy….”

    It’s pretty harmless overall, but just jaw-droppingly poor judgement and situational awareness.I mean, why not stop off on the side of the road and feed him a nice cool watermelon from a seller? It was pretty hot that day too, and he looked like he needed some refreshment. Good idea, or bad optics?

  3. @ Governor William J. Le Petomane

    Thought of you when I saw this picture first — great moments in history repeat themselves (Don’t shoot or…)

  4. What?
    The guy’s a Trump supporter?
    A subtle message to other “people of color” not to stray from the Demonrat Plantation?

    People who demand “justice” don’t ever seem to think about what that really means.

    I yawn at feigned indignation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. A ‘woke’ PD policy would have required the officer to walk as he escorted his arrestee mounted on his horse a la Lady Godiva.

    Just because antiFas shit on police cars and such, doesn’t mean the Popo can’t demonstrate chivalry

  6. If it wasn’t for the ‘disgusting’ arrest, the family would not have found him. They moved him away from where he was acting a fool to another place where he could be picked up. They didn’t make him walk 10 miles! Fucking drama queens!

    You know what? Fuck him, his family, and the lawyer with the lavender chapstick. They should all be sued by the city. They should be sued for leaving a mentally ill person without supervision, causing others to have to ‘babysit’ him and fix any damage he did.

  7. gin blossom and Racer X, I agree. Common practice. Fair. Not violent. Black woman using race card to instigate hate, as usual. No apology needed. Blacks raised on hatred of whites and fueled by Obama Communist organizer. Deep rooted kill syndrome is a real threat from those filled with hate. Too many carry through with it.

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