Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens – IOTW Report

Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens

Roughly 1.5 million illegal immigrants were deported by the Trump administration.

6 Comments on Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens

  1. As many FBI “special” agents and IRS inspectors as possible need to be sent overseas to find all those previously deported illegal aliens. Then, cancel their passports. Don’t let any of them back in, along with, of course, not letting any of the deportees back either.

  2. “Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens”

    Was there ever any doubt? These assholes just keep on truckin’.

    They’ve painted themselves into a corner were they have crossed the Rubicon, the “die is cast”, there’s no going back, and their demise us imminent.

    Trust me. Trump landslide.

  3. “1.5 million illegal immigrants guilty of serious crimes such as sexual assault.”
    Just adding foot soldiers to their forces?
    Only a bunch of perverts, would want to import more perverts.

  4. Crossed My Mind this Morning, that the whole thing could be driven by the

    Prison Industrial Complex….Prisons for Profit…plenty of new Customers.


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