Offshore Wind Turbine That Dumped Debris Into Atlantic Damaged Again By Lightning Strike – IOTW Report

Offshore Wind Turbine That Dumped Debris Into Atlantic Damaged Again By Lightning Strike

Daily Wire

The same Vineyard Wind offshore wind turbine that malfunctioned and polluted the ocean in July 2024 was again damaged by a Feb. 27 lightning strike, according to multiple reports.

The developer of the offshore wind farm is still assessing the damage done by the lightning strike, stating for now that it appears to be confined to the turbine’s blade and that there does not seem to be any debris that fell into the surrounding water, according to the Vineyard Gazette. The same exact turbine had one of its blades snap in July 2024, an incident that led to local outrage on Nantucket Island as large pieces of fiberglass fell into the ocean and washed up on the island’s beaches.

“This was contained to the damaged blade and based on current information there is no impact to the nacelle or turbine structure,” Vineyard Wind said in a statement addressing the lightning strike obtained by the Gazette. “Vineyard Wind deployed both aerial and maritime resources and based on current observations, there is no indication of debris from this event.” more

4 Comments on Offshore Wind Turbine That Dumped Debris Into Atlantic Damaged Again By Lightning Strike

  1. This was contained to the damaged blade and based on current information there is no impact to the nacelle or turbine structure

    That’s a bit premature, there, PR flack. After lightning struck the blade where do you think all that juice went? Up to the nacelle containing the turbine structure, duh. And that stuff is wired to the transmission lines, right?

    You can’t rule out damage without putting knowledgeable human eyeballs and brains up there to check it all out thoroughly. Oh, and have somebody believable report on those results, will you? Buy!


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