Oh, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. What to do with you? – IOTW Report

Oh, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. What to do with you?

Full disclosure. Sometimes, when I call it a day, on Youtube I set a list on autoplay to play Ben Shapiro debating lefties. He is great. Probably one of the best. If debating was baseball, I’m not even the guy that sweeps up the sunflower seeds he spits out.

Having said that, outside his bailiwick, he is about as brilliant as the business end of a used matchstick. He is dreadful.

People who like Shapiro cannot stand that I call him out. But folks, seriously, had we all listened to the great prognosticator the course of American history would have been altered, significantly.

Why should he be given any respect outside the specific arena of arguing with lefties over conservative principles? This guy attempted to ruin, and this is not hyperbole, the world.

No, Trump Isn’t Going to Save The Supreme Court.

ByBEN SHAPIRO – August 10, 2016

-Trump Doesn’t Care About The Issue.

-Trump handed over his list of 11 potential justices – a list he clearly hadn’t read. He then backtracked and said he’d nominate someone “like” someone on the list, which totally undercuts the point of the list, since he has no clue what originalism or textualism are.

-Republicans will not have a filibuster-proof majority. That means that Democrats will filibuster any serious conservative Trump nominates.

-Does anyone really believe that Mitch McConnell would stand taller than that on a Supreme Court nominee?

-Trump Will Cave. After a Democratic filibuster threat, Trump would come back with a “highly qualified” nominee who will be able to garner 70 votes in the Senate, declare victory, and pat himself on the back.

-So no, Trump won’t appoint a conservative Supreme Court justice. This is the reality-based position. But in the fantasy world where polls don’t matter, Senate procedures don’t matter, and Mitch McConnell is a fire-breathing fighter on behalf of conservatism, sure, everything will be fine.


All of this was written so that we would abandon the “binary choice” myth and abandon Trump in order to teach some sort of lesson to someone, while allowing Hillary to win. (A result that he said would be better than a president Trump because “conservatism.”)

HT/ Dianny

28 Comments on Oh, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. What to do with you?

  1. Agreed.
    But I will never trust his judgement on decisions.

    You can be the best sharpshooter in the bunch, but how valuable are you if you don’t know what direction to shoot?

  2. He would get more brownie points if he could address what he said from time to time and simply say “ man I was wrong about that “.
    That’s all I’m looking for. He debate skills, and memory are not even remotely in question. Kids these days call it the “ shizzit “. The dude is good. Just looking for a little humility when he is wrong. And we all know how that goes.

  3. talking extremely fast is really not a debate skill … it’s more a marketing strategy to sell what you’re shoveling

    knowwhati’msaying?can’treallygetinanotherwordinedgewiseifi’mmotormouthingknowwhati’m sayin’?

  4. He and Medved and the rest of the Bush Republicans are HUGE liabilities.

    Not much more can be added, that is the alpha and the omega of Ben Shapiro and his ilk.

    When the chips are down, these vipers strike from their hiding place behind our lines.

    They are snakes in the grass and the best place for them is where they can do the least damage.

    Their downside is much more down than their upside is up. I liken them to when I have been coasting along and watching the real time mileage readout on my truck slowly increase over a fifteen mile downgrade and then it is all eaten up and then some in three or four miles of a slow steady uphill grade.

    It can’t fool me no mo, I am a keen observer and learn from history. What has happened in the past is far more likely than not to happen in the future and thems stone cold natural facts.

  5. He talks too fast for me. I don’t get him. But I prefer him to Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper who talk through their well worn assholes.
    But Ben is a professional master(de)bater

  6. Mr.Pinko, He was calling out the PoPo from my street corner while I was calling out the police on his future wife’s ass encroachment in my driveway! No way getting round that,,,

  7. Ben Shapiro is the perfect example of why book learning isn’t enough. He’s got one hell of a high IQ along with a motormouth, but he hasn’t actually done anything in his life.

    With one exception, everyone I know who actually has met Trump, is familiar with his work, and has had any dealings with him on anything outside of the gossip rag nonsense, was on-board the Trump Train when it departed the escalator. (The one exception was my liberal Long Island sister, who freaked on FB: “OMG, get scared people. When Trump says he’s going to do something, he fucking does it.”)

  8. Never forget: It was Ben Shapiro who BEGGED Trump to run in 2012 in a Townhall article “The Magic of Donald Trump”:

    “In the last several weeks, that ideal Republican candidate has materialized.

    His name is Donald Trump. His slogan is ready-made: “You’re Fired.” He does not give a damn what the media thinks of him — he steamrolled Meredith Vieira during his NBC interview with her last week. He can self-fund to the tune of $1 billion.

    And what’s more, he can win.”

    Abracadabra, Ben. Now shut up.


  9. I follow him on Twitter because he can really slap down an idiot progressive with pinpoint accuracy, but I don’t read his columns or listen to him for all of the reasons mentioned above. Just can’t do it.

  10. Probably the absolute smartest thing he’s done to date is shut up and hire Kurt Schlichter to represent him.

    He now has an hour program on local radio at 2100 locally. If I catch it, it’s not on purpose. I really liked him because he made was making sensible arguments against the left. He’s since reduced (or is it defined?) his talent to be the debate captain extraordinaire of whatever position he’s settled on. Right way, wrong way, Ben way. Shame, that. May he refine his callowness to a more clear apprehension of fact tempered by a better judgment. Until then, he can keep yakking while I’m reloading.

  11. so, this whole thread is about the fact that Ben was wrong in that article – which he was – and that this is enough to ignore anything he says, even though he is a great debater of leftist ideology… because he doesn’t always parrot the things you personally believe?

    got it.

    one is looking for truth (and maybe being wrong sometimes)
    the other is looking for more parrots.

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