Oh, By the Way, Forget What I said About Wanting the Nationals To Win – IOTW Report

Oh, By the Way, Forget What I said About Wanting the Nationals To Win

I had three reasons for wanting the Nationals to win.

1- I wanted to see the look on Bruce Harper’s face when his boys won it all without him while he marshaled the Phillies to a 4th place finish.

2- I wanted Trump to be able to remind everyone that that town never won crap until he got there.

3- The name is a form of Nationalist, and it would irk the left.

BUT, after seeing those fans boo the president, unfurl an Impeach Trump sign in right field, and chant “lock him up,” I hope the Astros finish them off in humiliating fashion.

Screw those idiotic fans that don’t know what’s good for this country.

Besides, how can I root for a team that plagiarized the Walgreens logo?


28 Comments on Oh, By the Way, Forget What I said About Wanting the Nationals To Win

  1. @ BFH – uuuuh huh, was wonderin’ where you were these days on this?? Have to say was a bit confused at your stance?

    I did think a HUGE Met fan would want the Nats to crash and burn, just like VinnyBoss, he HATES the Nats MORE after last night…

    Thanks for the update!

  2. I bet the Nationals have already written their statement about refusing to go to the WH to see Trump when they win. They’ll never get to read it. When you become mascots of the resistance, you’re flirting with disaster.

  3. I was pretty sure you would correct your position on that. When the Astros won 2 years ago they were proud to go to the White House, and they gave Trump “17” Astros jersey. I bet the nationals wouldn’t drive across town to be honored at the White House.

  4. MLB joined the NFL and NBA in being hypocritical asswipes who thought it was absolutely forbidden to criticize the boy who previusly occupied the WHITE house to it being mandatory to criticize this one.

    I wouldn’t pay a cent to see any of these leagues.

  5. I never really wanted them to win, because I don’t like teams from left wing cities/states because the majority of their fans are left wing limp wristed idiots I want to punch in the face and watch them cry. (Full disclosure, I did grow up a Yankees fan because my Daddy was a Yankees fan, I don’t know why he never went to NY in his life and he hated anything else related to a Yankee, but when it came to baseball he loved the Yankees.)

    As the years have passed and all professional sports have became pretty stupid with overpaid athletes, I’ve pretty much quit being a fan of any professional teams.

    After that display though I not only hope they lose, I hope our President tells their owner, that’s what you get when you disrespect the President. Trump people are winners like Trump!!!!

  6. @ Txn4Evr OCTOBER 28, 2019 AT 2:53 PM

    My daughter and I were hunting this weekend and met a friend for dinner and the game was on and she said that one team was wearing Walgreen’s hats. I don’t follow baseball, so I didn’t know what was on the television.

  7. “The booing of an American president at the World Series game that happened in Washington, DC Sunday night is not a negative for the rest of America, but a positive. It is especially a positive for those of us who live out here in what the east-and-west-coast elites derisively refer to as “flyover country, that great, vast middle 80% of the lower 48 states that turned into a veritable sea of red on Election Day, 2016….

    …Thus, the crowd that roundly booed the President of the United States of America at Sunday night’s Astros/Nationals game was largely made up of the DC professional political class; the lobbyists, the lawyers, the congressional and campaign staffers, the company executives, the advertising geeks and digital media geeks and all the myriad other professionals who make their livings making sure that the DC Swamp remains very, very swampy.”


  8. The Nationals remind me of the Seattle Mariners: choke, choke, choke. Choke some more. Afterwards, choke on it. Later, choke it. Then, when it counts the most: CHOKE!

    Choke the chicken, Washington National Fans.

    That’s typical of guys who can’t handle pressure. Too much soy milk as babies, maybe.

  9. was rooting for the Nats because, as I stated before, they’re the underdogs & Bryce Harper

    … not any more … they just lost some 60 million people rooting for them

  10. Standing room only tickets $1300

    A seat behind home plate $22000.

    I would consider all attendees as wealthy DC elitist snobs.
    When they use the World Series as a deep state anti-trump rally the day he took out our worst enemy….

    Self explanatory.

    I wasn’t necessarily a Nats fan, but it’s local and i was enjoying the series.

    Now I despise the NationalSocialistDeepStateElitistRatFuckingAntiAmericanCockSuckingPencklPushingDoucheNozzleBallSuckingPillowBitingAssReamingWhimperWithButtHurt Nationals.


  11. You’ve got to love the Astros. They spanked the arrogant Yankees. I live near Houston and it is therefore my home team. My dad’s cousin used to pitch for the Houston Colt .45’s back in the day. It was great watching the Astros beat the Nationals like a rented mule, three times in a row, right in front of their fans. Yesterday, I was offered a ticket for Tuesday night’s game six in the nosebleed seats for $450. I declined, but something tells me I should have “bit the bullet” and taken the deal. No matter what happens, knowing the Astros ruined the Yanks chances of going to the World Series three times out of the last five years makes me feel good inside.

  12. Jimmy — Yeah, the Mariners were a lot more fun back in the day — whether they won or not (and they usually didn’t). Griffey Sr. and Jr., Eeeeed-Grrrrr Martinez, Randy Johnson, Jay “Bone” Buhner, Danny Wilson, Joey Cora, Tino Martinez, and Sweet Lou. It feels like a million years ago. . .before politics and gov’t. . and the obamas.

  13. I don’t have a beef with players’ salaries, but I do think it’s a national tragedy that teams have taken up the subject of politics. Used to be that sports were a safe haven for political battle fatigue. Not no more. Shameful. You’d think there was already enough serious rivalry between fans, then they have to chuck a rabid racoon into the fray.

  14. “Screw those idiotic fans that don’t know what’s good for this country.”…@BFH

    Agreed! Probably their major problem is that every time they prick their finger, they always start finguring their pricks in a perpetual, hopeless effort in searching for what’s good for this oountry, because it certainly isn’t them.


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