Oh, By the Way, Trump Installed a Conservative On the Supreme Court Bench – IOTW Report

Oh, By the Way, Trump Installed a Conservative On the Supreme Court Bench





30 Comments on Oh, By the Way, Trump Installed a Conservative On the Supreme Court Bench

  1. “Well, he’s most likely a “fake conservative”, just like Trump. You just wait, he’ll go all liberal soon. Just you wait…..”

    – NeverTrumper

    Quickly make your way to the nearest safe space, as they are nearing capacity. Coloring books and crayons are in short supply. Hurry, while there is still time.

  3. President Trump has appointed some really good people. Confirmation of of Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch is a victory for all of us. Another appointment that I wasn’t completely sold on at the time but has proven to be another victory is Nikki Haley to the UN. She seems to be rising to her position in a big way.

  4. @Dianny’s right! As long as Ivanka’s not cashing an actual United States Treasury check, then another few thousand Americans killed in another Mideast war, because SAD! dead baby pictures, is a brilliant way to Make America Great Again!

  5. That sentiment goes to
    the Never Trumpers, the Hillary’s safer RINOs, the Shrews from The View, the Obama traitors, Paul Ryan, Yeb!, Little Marco, Lying Ted C.
    So many lesser options.
    Can we all work together with this American President to MAGA !?

  6. Did we go to war?

    Good grief how hard is this to comprehend? We fires missiles at a chemical weapons base. We didn’t invade Syria. We didn’t land in Damascus to oust Assad. Trump didn’t send 20K troops to Syria. Honestly. I’m beginning to feel like I’m talking to college Liberal snowflakes.

  7. @MJA — Yours is an excellent point on the so-called Syrian “refugees” (all those 20-something men who are running away from big, bad Assad). If their purpose was to seek temporary asylum from their war-torn country, then it is time for them to go back and reclaim their country. I am very much anticipating Trump’s ME coalition (and Jordan’s money) to build Syrian safe zone. If the EU (mainly Merkel and Sweden) want to continue to push the idea of a muslim/sharia-based culture, they’ll have run out of excuses to their native citizens.

  8. Fur, I admire your persistence and dedication to calling out the #NT crowd. I’m not as convinced as you that they care about being called out. I’m not even sure anymore what they are all about.

  9. @Dianny April 7, 2017 at 4:11 pm

    “Did we go to war?”

    Absolutely not! When you hold the gun sideways and squeeze off a few rounds in the piggies’ general direction, it don’t count if you don’t hit them.

  10. WTF is up with Drudge? He put Gorsuch’s confirmation in one tiny line on Page Three and has the Syrian shit plastered all voer Page 1.

    Fuck Syria. I wish they’d all kill each other over there cuz they’re all Filthy Mohammedan Savages.

    But Gorsuch’s confirm is “a big fuckin’ deal” as Greezy Joe Biden would say.

  11. “President Donald J. Trump is weighing a decision to replace loyalists and his promise to drain the swamp with the very creatures who profit there. The shakeup could include the White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Special Counselor Steven Bannon!”

    Is this fake or real news? Inquiring minds want to know!

  12. My favorite quote was Shmuck Schumer a couple of days ago saying,”Why doesn’t Trump sit down with us Democrats and we’ll come up with a mainstream candidate.”
    Remember the last time Schumer was totally in charge of “finding a mainstream candidate?” When he left his congressional seat in Queens, NY he hand-picked his personal choice for successor and had him installed: Anthony Weiner, a candidate so “mainstream” that he likes to send pictures of his erect penis to underaged girls while his infant son sleeps next to him. “Mainstream” in Schumer’s World.

  13. Syria is good news for 48 hours.

    Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch is good news for the next 20-30 years.

    Go Trump.

    At least 2, even 3 more Justices to be replaced in his first term.

    Not counting any sudden “early retirements for health reasons” once IRS and a real FBI launch investigations on Obama’s Kagan and Wise Latina.

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